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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
10/22/2010 12:25:04 PM
Creation date
10/22/2010 12:23:55 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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mains during reconstruction projects as acost-effective consideration; and new <br />technologies being developed. <br />Mr. Schwartz reported that the City of Roseville is being considered for a pilot <br />project with the 3M Company to test a new water lining product they've recently <br />developed and tested in Europe for several years and now available in the United <br />States, and their willingness to line 2,000 feet at their cost, provided the City do <br />t e excavation wor . <br />Mr. Schwartz noted staff s anticipation of receiving favorable bids on various seal <br />coat projects, based on combining with proj ects in other communities, providing <br />for larger quantities and economics of scale. <br />9. 2011 City Manager Recommended Budget <br />Mr. Schwartz highlighted the Public Works portion of the City Manager's <br />recommended 2011 budget and City Council ranking of programs and services in <br />tax-supported funds; with a five percent (5%) proposed increase in the <br />Preliminary Levy. Mr. Schwartz reviewed challenges in maintaining necessary <br />funding in light of ongoing state cuts; new mandated budget expenses as detailed <br />in the staff report dated September 28, 2010; and major personnel expenses, <br />including wages and benefits, with the exception of the Public Works budgeted <br />personnel expenses at 18% versus that of public safety at 85%. <br />Mr. Schwartz briefly reviewed the ongoing process to achieve program-based <br />budgeting and individual and composite rankings. Mr. Schwartz encouraged <br />members to offer their feedback to staff prior to final budget and levy adoption. <br />Discussion included reductions in maintenance of City Hall, with PWET <br />Commission members expressing concern in reducing custodial costs (#85) with <br />higher paid engineering staff providing those services rather than using their <br />expertise as needed; duties incorporated into organizational management (#76); <br />staff hours in supporting various Commissions and their related budgets; and <br />difficulties in PWET Commission review of the budget based on their limited <br />information. <br />Members concurred that, in order to make informed recommendations, it would <br />be helpful to obtain additional information on what each line item encompassed <br />and those areas that are sustainable and those that are not. <br />Chair DeBenedet noted individual values for various services and/or programs, <br />but lack of information on the actual cost of those services and programs. Chair <br />DeBenedet emphasized the PWET Commission's repeated previous concerns for <br />the need to ensure infrastructure maintenance is ongoing and proactive to avoid <br />higher long-term costs through deferral of that maintenance or a lesser quality of <br />the City's infrastructure and those implications to the City quality of life and <br />property values. <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />
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