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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/8/2014 11:43:10 AM
Creation date
10/25/2010 1:36:32 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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3.0 STAFF COMIV�NTS <br />3.1 <br />3.2 <br />The 14,750 square foot structure, constructed in 1969, sits on a 1.8 acre parcel. �akcrest <br />Avenue lies to the north, Snelling Avenue to the east, the undeveloped section of Fry <br />Street to the west, and Rainbow Foods and Crossroads of Roseville to the south. <br />A site plan of the existing property indicates 123 off-street parking spaces with three <br />access points from �akcrest Avenue. Handicapped parking will be provided adjacent <br />the one way parking lot adjacent to Snelling Avenue. The remaining parking is located <br />west of the building with two two-way access points onto �ak�resd Avenue. The parking <br />lot is paved and has a curbed perimeter. Parking for the site should not be an issue. <br />Previous information regarding parking for the former Knights of Columbus site <br />indicated that each vehicle averaged 12 to 13 customers (see attached graph). With an <br />anticipated attendance of 120 customers, the bingo hall would require 92 to 100 parking <br />spaces. The Roseville City Code requires a total of 80 off-street parking spaces for the <br />proposed bingo hall use. (1 space for every 3 seats or 60 parking spaces; 5 spaces for <br />every 100 square feet of office use or 15 parking spaces; and the basement storage area <br />requires 5 parking spaces) <br />3.3 The properiy does not include ponding for storm water management no ponding is <br />proposed because the site will not increase impervious surfaces. <br />3.4 The structure is a single story building with a partial basement and has a masonry <br />e�terior that will not change. The structure has an entry from the east and an entry from <br />the west. <br />3.5 The proposed bingo ha11 will seat approximately 180 people with a�erage attendance per <br />session anticipated at 120 people. Bingo will occupy approximately '/al of the he main <br />level (northeast), while offices will be located to the north, restrooms in the southwest <br />corner, and concessions and storage to the south. <br />3.6 Because of the nature of the request, use inside of an e�sting. building Capital City <br />Investment LLP has not submitted the usual development plans, such as including site, <br />drainage, landscape, floor plan, and building elevations. They have submitted a site plan <br />for the properiy and a floor plan indicating the specifics of the remodeling necessary for <br />the bingo ha11. <br />4.0 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION <br />4.1 On 7anuary 10,200 1, the Roseville Planning Commission held the public hearing <br />regarding the Capital City Investment LLP request for a conditional use permit to a11ow a <br />bingo hall operation at 2525 Snelling Avenue. At the meeting not citizens addressed the <br />Commission regarding the proposal. The Commission only had clarification questions <br />for staff. <br />PF3282 RCA (012901) Page 2 of4 <br />
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