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3.0 STAFF COMIVIENT and RECOMIVIENDATIONS <br />3.1 The Council decided on a scenario(s) for a more detailed AUAR review on January 8, <br />200 1. The Council approved the work plan and costs for the AUAR study on January 22, <br />200 1. The consultants are prepared to begin the AUAR study for Twin Lakes. The next <br />step is for the Council to consent to the initiation of the AUAR. Should the detailed <br />AUAR study of the selected scenario uncover some significant new environmental, <br />physical, or fiscal impacts, the Plan and the scenarios would be brought back to the <br />Commission and Council for further modifications. <br />4.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTIONS: <br />4.1 By resolution, direct staff to officially commence the AUAR study of the recommended <br />"concept" and "retail scenario" amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for Twin Lakes <br />using the services of consultants SRF and DSU. <br />Prepared by: Dennis Welsch (490-2232), Cathy Bennett (490-2241) and Jill Mazullo (490-2235) <br />Attachment: Resolution to Initiate AUAR Process for Twin Lakes; Proposed AUAR study area far Twin Lakes <br />Business Park <br />Q:�Planning Files\3232_TwinLakesRenewedPlanV1UAR and EAW�RCA Twin LakesAUAR (022601).doc <br />PF3232 -� RCA(021201) Page 2 of 3 <br />