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• Certain roadway improvements were included in the traffic, and air and noise reports <br />submitted as part of the EAW. The City of Roseville requested these roadway <br />improvements be included as a way to document anticipated future roadway conditions. <br />The NIl'CA assumed these roadway improvements were needed by the proposed <br />project for adjacent roadways to function at an acceptable level of service. In <br />correspondence dated March $, 2001 to Innocent Eyoh of the NTinnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency from Eric Hesse of Liesch, the project proposer demonstrated that none <br />of the roadway improvements described in the traffic report were required for adjacent <br />roadways to function at an acceptable level of service. <br />Final resolution of this matter will occur as part of the Indirect Source Permit. <br />Report by Thomas Paschke (65 1-490-2236); Dennis Welsch (65 1-490-2232) <br />Attachments: Summary EAW and comments; Site Plans; original PUD; Planning Commission minutes of January 10,200 1 <br />re: Veritas (p 5-6); City Council minutes of January 22, 2001 re: Veritas (p 5). <br />Draft Resolution and Draft Ordinance <br />60-Day Time Limit: Not applicable. <br />\\Victoria\CommDev�Pianning Files�3283_Ryan Co_Veritas\RCA (032601).doc <br />7 <br />\\Victoria\CommDev\Planning Files\3283_Ryan Co_Veritas\RCA (032601).doc <br />