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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/8/2014 2:46:16 PM
Creation date
10/25/2010 1:37:06 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Agenda/Packets
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all costs attendant thereto. <br />C. The City of Little Canada sha11 coordinate scheduling of work to be performed by <br />the assigned Employee(s) with and sha11 receive prior approval of a11 scheduled hours to be <br />performed under this Agreement from the Roseville City Manager or his designee. <br />2. PAYN�NT. The City of Little Canada will compensate the City of Roseville for <br />services rendered on an hourly basis in the amount of $60.00 per hour for the year of 2001, with <br />an annual increase of 3%. The City of Little Canada shall make payments, upon presentation by <br />the City of Roseville of an itemized billing. <br />3. INDENINIFICATION. The City of Roseville agrees to assume sole liability for <br />any negligent or intentional acts of the assigned Employee(s) while performing the assigned <br />duties within the jurisdiction of either city. Each city agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold <br />harmless the other from any claims, causes of action, damages, loss, cost or expenses including <br />reasonable attorney's fees resulting from or related to the actions of each city, its officers, agents <br />or employees in the execution of the duties outlined in this Agreement, except as qualified by the <br />previous sentence. <br />4. TERN�TATION, SEPARABII,ITY. <br />A This Agreement may be terminated by either pariy upon thiriy (30) days' notice <br />provided to the respective City Manager of Roseville or the C1erk�Administrator of Little <br />Canada. <br />B. Upon termination, any and all records or property of the respective cities will be <br />returned to the appropriate city. <br />C. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. <br />D. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the other <br />provisions remain in full force and effect. <br />sis�z 2 <br />
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