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3.0 Summar�of A�plication <br />3.1 The Twin Lakes proposal includes the construction of the Twin Lakes Parkway. The <br />construction of the Parkway is critical to improving the access to the interior of the 275- <br />acre area and encouraging the market-driven redevelopment of the underutilized parcels. <br />The Parkway will serve as the gateway to Twin Lakes because it will provide direct <br />access to the reconfigured I35W ramp on Cleveland Avenue (see site map). In addition, <br />pathways along the Parkway and through the sites will improve connections between the <br />future office uses, multifamily residences, and Langton Lake. <br />3.2 The application requests $1 ,000,000 for the following key elements. <br />Twin Lakes Parkway Construction: The requested funds of $1 ,000,000 will <br />help bridge the funding gap for the acquisition, cleanup and construction of Twin <br />Lakes Parkway, landscaping and pathways. According to the City of Roseville <br />Engineering Department, the total cost of the Twin Lakes Parkway is estimated to <br />reach over $10 million and is distributed as follows: <br />Twin Lakes Parkway — ROW Acquisition $6,000,000 <br />Contamination Cleanup of ROW and public land $525,000 <br />Construction of Parkway (includingpavement, curbs, <br />gutters, and median) $1 ,000,000 <br />Utilities (including lighting) $1,310,000 <br />Parkwav Landscapin� and Pathwavs $1,850,000 <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS: $10,685,000 <br />3.3 Staff anticipates that contamination cleanup can be covered by the BCRLF fund, and <br />there will potentially be revenue from the sale of excess right-of-way land. In addition, <br />the construction of the Twin Lakes Parkway will be funded by e�sting tax increment <br />funds and will be partially recaptured by assessments as parcels redevelop. To date, the <br />City of Roseville has received three funding sources from the US Environmental <br />Protection Agency to assist in the following: <br />Phase I and II site assessments of the Parkway ROW $200,000 <br />Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund (BCRLF) $500,000 <br />Re�ional moundwater studv of Twin Lakes area $15 0, 0 0 0 <br />TOTAL US EPA SUPPORT TO DATE: $ 8 5 0, 0 0 0 <br />4. 0 Staf f Recommendation <br />4.1 Staff believes that the application for Twin Lakes will be received fa�orably at this time by <br />the Metropolitan Council for a number of reasons. The Twin Lakes future land use scenario <br />has a substantial housing component and plans for a mixed use, integrated environment that <br />will serve residents and employees well and meet the stated goals of the Metropolitan <br />Council. The Alternative Urban Areawide Review is nearly complete for Twin Lakes. And <br />the US EPA has granted $500,000 in cleanup dollars that may be applied to the Twin Lakes <br />Parkway. The City of Roseville has shown its funders that it is committed to the <br />RCA — Livable Grant Authorization 2001 -Page 2 of 3 <br />