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CITY of ROSEVILLE <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT # <br />This PLANNED i1NIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made on <br />August 27, 2001, by and between the City of Roseville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, of <br />2660 Civic Center Drive, Roseville, Minnesota 55 113 ("CITY"), and Northwestern College <br />Radio Network, a Minnesota Not for Profit Corporation, 3003 Snelling Avenue, Roseville, <br />Minnesota, 55 113 ("Developer"). <br />1.0 EFFECTIVE DATE of AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement shall be effective upon completion of the following: <br />l.l Passage and publication of Ordinance # (Rezoning of subject property to <br />Planned Unit Development). <br />1.2 Publication of said ordinance in the CITY's official newspaper. <br />2.0 REQUEST for PUD APPROVAL <br />The DEVELOPER requests that the CITY approve a Planned Unit Development (PUD) rezoning <br />and agreement (PF# 33 17) that redevelops a vacant parcel and an apartment complex into a two- <br />story office building and apartment complex. The subject property's address is 2993 Snelling <br />Avenue. The subject parcel is legally described: Lots I, 2 and 3, Block 2, College Properties, <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota. The subject property's tax identification numbers are <br />042923140067, 042923140068, and 042923140069 respectively. <br />3.0 PUD APPROVAL <br />The CITY hereby grants approval of the Planned Unit Development (identified as Plans A-- H in <br />Section 4.0 of this Agreement), subject to the DEVELOPER's compliance with the terms and <br />conditions of this Agreement. The CITY agrees to approve applications for building permits, if <br />said applications are consistent with the plans identified in Section 4.0 below. <br />For any improvements proposed thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the <br />contrary, the CITY may require compliance with any amendments to the its Comprehensive <br />Guide Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this <br />Agreement. <br />4.0 APPROVAL by the CITY <br />The CITY hereby approves the following plans on file with the City. The DEVELOPER shall <br />develop the subject property in accordance with these plans. If, however, the plans vary from the <br />written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall controL If the plans address items not <br />specifically addressed in this Agreement, the plans shall govern with respect to those items. The <br />plans are: <br />