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Resolution No. 5�93 �'a��e s <br />Each person who made an initial filing sha11 file a t1et�� statement by January 30 of each year <br />thereafter giving the information called for �.tbo��� as of the time of the net� statement. If a change <br />in financial interest or properiy ci��mership occurs het«�een tilings. a new tilin� sha11 be made ���ithin <br />thirry (30) days of the change. <br />The interest of any member of the immediate family sha11 be considered to be an interest of a person <br />required to file a statement by or pursuant to this ordinance. <br />This code shall not be construed to require the tiling of any information relatin� to any person's <br />connection with or interest in anv professional society or an�� charitahle, religious. social. <br />educational, recreational. public service. civil. or political organization, or any similar organization <br />not conducted as a business enterprise and ��'hich is not engaged in the oe�'nership or conduct uf`a <br />business enterprise. <br />f-Iowever, if any of such organizations seeking any action or benetit come before a Rose��ill� <br />Commission or the Council. then membership in the organization shall be a potential contlict c�t <br />interest and must be reported as such to the City Manager by the public official in an amended <br />disclosure statement. The other stipulations of this code then apply. <br />I�lie City Manager sha11 inform each person ���ho is required to tile of the time and place for filing. <br />The City Manager sha11 inform the Council �chene��er a person who is required to file a statement <br />fails to do so. <br />