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Roseville City Council
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July 3l, 2001 <br />To: The Roseville Ethic Commission <br />From: Dean Maschka <br />1.) Were public funds used and if so, to what extent? No. Did you bill the City for your time? No <br />2.) Did you seek an expense reimbursement? No. <br />3.) Under what public authority were you acting? I was acting under the authority of a city council <br />member. I was acting in what I felt was in the best interest of the City of Roseville. We ha�e no policy as <br />to how we act regarding issues before the state legislature. There ha�e been other issues in which we have <br />acted in a similar manner as they come along. Please see the facts as see out below <br />4.) Did you go as representative of Roseville. Yes <br />5.) Who accompanied you? Steve Sarkozy, Ed Burrell and Joel Jamnick. <br />This incident arose one day when I called Mr. Sarkozy on another matter. During that conversation I asked <br />Steve what he had been up to lately and he indicted he had spent the last two day trying to undo the actions <br />of our Mayor at the State Legislature. He indicated he had received a telephone call from, I believe <br />Representative IV� Elroy, inquiring as to what was the Mayor of Roseville doing down at the State <br />Legislature. Apparently the Mayor had been at the State Legislature with a local developer trying to get <br />some wording in a bill or lobbying for some wording in a bill, that would ha�e allowed any citizen to bring <br />law suits, retroactively on TIF Districts agreements. Essentially it would allow anyone to go back for a ten <br />period ten look at any TIF agreement and if they felt some thing had not been done correctly bring a <br />lawsuit. <br />Steve indicated that this matter was going to conference committee and that he was trying to find someone <br />on the conference committee to meet with and explain the implication of this change. I then inquired of <br />Steve as to who was on the committee. He went through a list of names and finally mentioned Senator John <br />Hottinger, who happened to be the chair of the conference committee. When he said that name, I told him I <br />was pretty certain I could get us in to see him. I called my connection to Senator Hottinger , who called <br />John and arrangements were made to meet with Senator Hottinger. Prior to meeting with Senator Hottinger, <br />I spoke with him by phone and explained to him Roseville's concems, regarding the retroactive <br />provision. <br />We knew at the time the potential exposure for the City of Roseville was in excess of several million <br />dollars.. Later, in a discussion with the Roseville's trial lawyer he indicated, that had the language been left <br />in the bill the potential exposure to Roseville alone would ha�e been in excess of twenty million dollars. <br />We met with Senator Hottinger on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday before the conference <br />committee meeting, which was scheduled for Saturday. Senator Hootinger had invited Senator Pappas from <br />St. Paul to the meeting. We met with them and explained our position and the implication of what <br />retroactivity would ha�e on Roseville and other communities throughout the state. Senator Hottinger and <br />Pappas, immediately picked up on the problem, both agreed that they would work to get the retroactivity <br />provision removed. <br />It was never clear to me what our mayor was trying to accomplish, nor did I care, my major concern was to <br />protect Roseville. I know at one time, Steve Sarkozy had a tape of Representative IV� Elroy `s telephone <br />call, if you had that I am sure this could shed some light on exactly what the mayor was doing, but I do <br />not know if Mr Sarkozy kept it or if he would tum it over. At the time Council persons Wiski, Mastel and I <br />
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