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thought Councilman Geodeke had been appraised of�he situation. Mr. Geodeke says he doesn't recall <br />being told about it. <br />I was operating in a very difficult and time sensitive environment. Based on what I had been told, it <br />appeared our own mayor was operating on the other side of the issue. I also knew that this matter had to be <br />dealt with immediately and I was certain that this legislation was not in the best interest of the City of <br />Roseville. Operating under these beliefs and circumstances,every effort was made to get the language <br />removed. And that is exactly what we accomplished. <br />If this is an ethical violation so be it, but I know with absolute certainty we were acting in the best interest <br />of the City of Roseville. <br />We really ha�e no formal policy on how we deal with legislative issues. We rely a great deal on the League <br />of Cities to carry our message, but I also know that other Mayors and Council person ha�e been down to <br />the Capital on other issues that can effect our city. I know for certain when the futldtng for the Oval was <br />passed that the Mayor and a number of Council members were down at the Capital on that issue <br />