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�'��I�������:I�i��� ��fl <br />To: Neal Beets, City Manager <br />From: Mayor John Kysylyczyn <br />RE: Correction and clarification of Mr. Burrell June 27, 2001 document to the <br />EthicsCommission <br />At the June 26, 2001, City Council meeting, I referred three items to Mr. Burrell <br />for referral to the Roseville Ethics commission. In reference to his June 27, 2001 <br />memo, only two items were actually referred. <br />The third item discussed at the City Council meeting, still requires referral by your <br />ofFCe to the Ethics Commission. The issue is based on comments contained in <br />Mr. Lambert's letter of June 22, 2001. In Mr. Lambert's letter, he references a <br />meeting that occurred during the 2000 Legislative Session, which involved a TIF <br />issue that was contained in a major bill. In this meeting, City Manager Steve <br />Sarkozy, Finance Director Ed Burrell, Council Member Dean Maschka, and City <br />Attorney Joel Jamnik, met with Senator John Hottinger and Senator Sandra <br />Pappas. <br />Critical issues in my complaint are directly related to this meeting, which is part of <br />this overall TIF issue. Therefore Sarkozy, Burrell, Maschka, and Jamnik are to <br />be considered subjects of this ethics complaint, and therefore will be treated as <br />"under investigation" until this issue is resolved. <br />Specific questions related to this meeting referenced by Mr. Lambert need to be <br />answered. First, under what policy directive of the City Council was Mr. Maschka <br />acting under? To date, Mr. Maschka has been unable to produce even one <br />document showing a Council policy position on this 2000 Legislative session bill. <br />Furthermore, Mr. Maschka has not produced any evidence showing that this <br />issue was even discussed with the Council. Second, it is recognized that Council <br />members are citizens and therefore have a right to lobby on any issue that <br />interests them. Under what authority though has Mr. Maschka acted under, <br />which allows him to utilize taxpayer paid employees on what appears to be a <br />personal lobbying effort? <br />Ethics Resolution Section 3(K): Public Funds, etc. No public o�Cial shall use <br />public funds, personnel, facilities or equipment for private gain or political <br />campaignactivities. <br />