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REQUEST FOR COUNCII, ACTION <br />DATE: 8/27/0 1 <br />ITEM NO.:F-3 <br />Department Approval: 1�Tanager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />1`✓" 'IQ Reports <br />/% ��"t, xN�e� <br />Item Description: Request to e�tend working hours for 2001 Contracts A& B <br />Background: The City's contractor is currently working on the reconstruction of Josephine <br />Road and W. Owasso Boulevard. Currently City Code limits Saturday working hours to a start <br />time of 9am. The Contractor, TA Scbifsky & Sons, Inc., has requested to move up the start time <br />for the working hours on Saturdays from 9am to 7am. If granted the e�tension, they would start <br />working Saturday's from now until the construction jobs are completed. The current deadline is <br />November 2. Both of these roads are residential in nature and are lined by single family homes. <br />Policy objectives: We ha�e had a few delays this summer including the rain in June and the heat <br />in 7uly that ha�e limited weekday working hours. The City's Contractor was also delayed by <br />private utility work The Contractor would like to start working on Saturdays to ensure that the <br />work will be completed on time. The Contractor will do everything possible to minimize the <br />noise, and address resident concerns as they come up. <br />Staff recommendation: In the interest of getting these projects done as soon as possible, staff <br />recommends that the Council approve the extension of the working hours. This e�tension will <br />ensure that the project will be done this fa11. <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />Approval of a resolution extending the Saturday working hours for 2001 Contracts A& B. <br />Prepared by: Debra Bloom <br />