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a. Jobs/Wa�es: It is estimated that for a 21,240 square foot office building there is a <br />capacity for approximately 48 jobs that pay an average wage (higher for tech staff <br />and lower for office staffl of $75,000 for an annual wage of over $3.5 million. A <br />6,000 square foot restaurant would have at least 22 jobs, with the majority of <br />them being part time, at an average wage of $20,000 for an annual wage of <br />$440,000. <br />b. Construction Value: Office construction and assessed value is higher than that of <br />a restaurant. A 2 1,240 square foot high tech office has an estimated construction <br />value of $120 per square foot for a total value of $2.5 million and an estimated <br />assessed value of $90 per square foot or $19 million. A 6,000 square foot <br />restaurant may have a construction value of $100 per square foot for a total value <br />of $600,000 but the assessed value is usually lower at about $70 per square foot <br />or $420,000. <br />c. Overall Business Park Value: The build out of Centre Pointe has exceeded the <br />City's expectations for jobs and tax base. There are an estimated 1,350 <br />employees, an annual payroll of $54 million, $40 million of new construction <br />value, and estimated annual property taxes of $720,000. (In addition, the Veritas <br />Campus will add 1,000 employees, annual payroll of $70 million, $30 to $35 <br />million in value with an estimated $600,000 in new annual property tax revenue.) <br />Nearby, the master plan far Twin Lakes includes an estimated 3 million square <br />feet in new multi level office and 600 housing units. Currently, the Twin Lakes <br />Master Plan does not include a new sit down restaurant but is flexible enough to <br />accommodate it in the service area at County Road "C' and Cleveland. <br />4.0 SITE PLAN COMMENTS: <br />4.1 The Development Review Committee has considered the proposed site plan for Solutia <br />Consulting and concluded that a few modifications and additional information were <br />necessary. These include: <br />A. The trash enclosure must be located adjacent to the existing trash enclosure on the <br />Fairfield Inn site or in close pro�mity to the proposed Solutia office building. <br />Proper setbacks from the parking lot and building are necessary as is adequate <br />landscape screening. <br />B. The shared access with Marriott Residence Inn should be eliminated. <br />C. Screening of the parking lot from Centre Pointe Drive must be 80% opaque <br />screening to a height of 30 inches (Section 7, # 10 PUD). A revised landscape <br />plan must be submitted for review and approval prior to final City Council <br />approval. <br />PF 3338 — RCA (10/22/O1) — Page 4 of 9 <br />