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We can continue to work with the University and report to the Council if an agreement is reached. <br />Financial implications: It is unfortunate that Falcon Heights has declined participation. We are also still <br />working with the University of Minnesota on their commitment. However, staff recommends that this <br />should not prevent the project from moving forward; the benefit of correcting two regional flooding <br />problems justifies the City's investment. Falcon Heights and the University's 5% of the total project cost <br />would be split between Wellington, Roseville and Mn/DOT. The City's portion of the project cost would <br />be funded using the Stormwater Utility Fund. The State and Wellington's project contributions remain at <br />the same dollar value as proposed in the feasibility report. The City's percentage of cost has increased; <br />however, due to the redesign, total dollars spent has decreased. <br />Policy objectives: The City has taken a more active role in correcting regional drainage problems. Much <br />of our City was developed prior to the drafting of our current storm water treatment and retention policies. <br />As a result there are areas that need major improvements. This is part of the reason we developed our <br />storm water infrastructure fund. <br />State statute requires a Council resolution approving plans and specifications and ordering the <br />advertisement for bids for a11 public improvements with shared costs. Since a portion of the Zimmerman <br />Lake Drainage Improvements costs will be shared with benefiting properties, the adoption of this <br />resolution is required for the projects to proceed. <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />Adoption of a resolution approving plans and specifications and ordering the advertisement for bids for <br />Zimmerman Lake Drainage Improvements <br />Prepared by: Debra Bloom <br />