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�,�N�o� <br />° �6 Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />� <br />o� � TH 280 DISCUSSION <br />Cities of Lauderdale and Roseville - Joint Council work session <br />August 21, Lauderdale City Hall <br />Brief History: <br />1992-1993 - TH 280 reconstruction was proposed providing pa�ement rehabilitation, noise <br />abatement, some access closures as well as interchange and intersection modification. A <br />preliminary layout was MnlDOT staff approved. At a task force meeting in August of 1993, <br />Mn/DOT announced that because of the very tight funding environment, the 1997 redesign of TH <br />280 will likely be delayed. <br />1994 . Legislation was passed (Laws 1994, Chapter 635, Art 1, Sect 35) requiring Commissioner <br />of Transportation to erect noise walls on TH 280 between I-94 and I-35W if Mn/DOT delays the <br />start of TH 280 reconstruction beyond 7une 30, 1997. <br />1995 - Noise wa11s from Territorial Rd to '/a mile south of Como Avenue were constructed. <br />(Resolution passed by City of St. Paul supporting wall -- April of 1995). <br />1996 - Noise wall project from Larpenteur Avenue to I-3 5 W was scheduled to be let in December <br />of 1997. Resolution passed on May 28, 1996 by the City of Lauderdale requesting Mn/DOT not <br />construct the noise wa11 on the east side of TH 280 and that Mn/DOT upgrade the Larpenteur <br />Avenue/TH 280 interchange ASAP. <br />Spring, 2000 - Mn/DOT receives STP funding ($5.5 million) for reconstruction and noise <br />abatement of TH 280 from north of Larpenteur Avenue to I-35W (the only "non-freeway" section <br />of the corridor). Another $2 million in State Trunk Highway funds was required to match this <br />federal funding. <br />Fall, 2000 - Direction was given by Mn/DOT upper staff to look at removing the traffic signal and <br />limiting access at Br�oac�►vay Street as well as County Road B. <br />Project Issues to date: <br />. Local cities and businesses expressed concern that the revised layout does not address their <br />current access needs as well as future development needs. Also, upgrades will be required to <br />Industrial Boulevard intersections at Hennepin Avenue (Larpenteur Avenue) and Broadway <br />Street to accommodate the additional traffic due to limiting access at TH 280lBroadway <br />Street. The TH 280 interchange at Larpenteur Avenue would then need to be upgraded as <br />well to a standard "diamond" to accommodate the additional traffic. <br />. Direction was then given by MnlDOT upper staff to look at a grade-separated interchange at <br />Broadway Street, upgrading TH 280 to a freeway for its entire length. This interchange would <br />accommodate the future needs of TH 280 as well as the future needs of the Cities of Roseville <br />and Lauderdale, but would impact properties, thus this concept was rejected by the City of <br />Lauderdale. <br />
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