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� . :. <br />OPERATING POLICY # 36 DATE:11100 <br />POLICY TITLE: Sponsorships, Sponsorship Signage and Sponsorship Areas <br />PURPOSE: It is financially advantageous for the City to obtain sponsorships for the operation of <br />events, activities and facilities. In order to insure that the process of obtaining sponsorships is fair <br />and open to all sponsors and is appropriate to the operation of the event or facility, the staff will <br />follow established arocedures. <br />DESCRIPTION: <br />The following are the prescribed procedures for obtaining and recognizing sponsorships: <br />1. Solicitation and acceptance of sponsorships will be done in writing with all conditions, fees <br />and benefits specifically listed in the agreements. <br />2. When sponsorship proposals exceed $5,000.00, multiple companies in the same market <br />segment will be solicited, e.g., if approaching Coca Cola other soft drink companies will <br />also be solicited. Any sponsor benefits such as passes, admissions, t-shirts, etc. shall not <br />exceed 114 the specific identified value of the contract. <br />3. The City Manager must approve all sponsorships and those over $5,000.00 will be approved <br />by the City Council. <br />4. All conditions of sponsorship agreements must meet city ordinances and codes. <br />5. Sponsorships from alcohol, tobacco, firearms or gambling companies will not be solicited or <br />accepted. <br />6. The cost of supplying sponsor recognitions/advertisement must be included in the agreement <br />price. <br />7. All agreements shall not be longer than flve years unless authorized by the City Council. <br />8. Only those facilities and programs will be considered for sponsorships that do not intrude <br />upon the general public. Outdoor signage will be allowed as long as the signage is interior <br />within the park or park facility i.e.: signage on ball field fencing, signage on the golf course, <br />signage inside the gymnastics center etc. The City Council may exclude certain facilities <br />or programs. <br />9. Sponsor compensation may include: signage, printed name and logo, title name on an <br />event, free passes, recognition event, product sample distribution (with approved <br />insurance certificate), test site for product (with approved insurance certificate). <br />10.At no time will a sponsor be allowed to use the name of the City of Roseville or any of its <br />programs, services or facilities as endorsement for the company or product or service <br />without explicit approval of the City Council. <br />11. Co-Sponsor agreements may be entered into with Facilitating Organizations for profit <br />sharing as long as these procedures are adhered to in securing and recognizing sponsors <br />and that the moneys obtained are used for the program or facility for which the <br />sponsorship was obtained. <br />