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��� ` <br />� <br />November 6,200 1 <br />To Roseville's active and retired firefighters, <br />I want to take this opporiunity to thank each and every active and retireci firefighter for your patience, your <br />professionalism and your understanding as we work through how changes in the world affect the way we conduct <br />our business. As you know, we are changing how we view security of our firefighters, our fire appacatus and tire <br />stations. <br />This task is being accomplished through the contributions of a task force whose recommendations are reviewed and <br />approved by the seven-member chiefs staf£ And while the efforts of the task force and my associate chiefs are <br />valuable input, the authority and responsibility to implement departmental policy lies solely with me. <br />It is on that point that I would like to offer my sincerest apology to our retired members for implementing a policy <br />that did not adequately consider your needs. While it was not the intention of the policy to completely restrict <br />access to the fire stations from our retired members,' it certainly was the perception and for that, I respectfully offer <br />my apologies to all of our retired members. Likewise, the policy did not address the ability of non-married members <br />to allow for a visitation from a"significant other." <br />Many of our retired members served as chief officers of this department. And as such, you know that it's not always <br />easy to affect change, and sometimes, we make mistakes. 1 made a mistake and I ask that you'll accept this error in <br />the same gracious manner in which I admit it. <br />Feedback on our new security policy, provided by way of a couple letters sent to Roseville's elected and appointed <br />officials, have now, unfortunately, raised new questions and concerns about the City's liability for perniitt;ng non- <br />employee access to city work sites as well as the city's obligation to ensure their worksites remain productive <br />environments for employees. This new issue is completely unrelated to the heightened security the policy intended <br />to address. We did not anticipate these issues and are now facing new challenges for how and when to permit guests <br />to access the fire stations. <br />That aside, l want to clarify that retired members, as well as the "significant other" of our members will be afforded <br />the same invitation to visit our tire stations as is permitted to our own family members. To review, visitations for <br />family members, including retirees and "significant others" will be permitted while an active firefighter is present <br />and shall be limited to 30 minutes. <br />Thank you once again for your continued patience, professionalism, and understanding during these very trying <br />times. <br />Sincerely, <br />������J <br />�lti`� Z�rLI�� <br />R�chard B. asa ay /� <br />Fire Chief �/ <br />cc: Mayor and City Council <br />Council Candidates <br />City Manager <br />Deputy Chiefs <br />District Chiefs <br />2bb0 Civic Center Drive ❖ Roseville e• Minnesota :• 55113 <br />651-490-2200 ❖ TDD 651-490-2207 <br />