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�"► ����Y �'r��� � � , �� 3 - �� �+����r��.�.,� <br />• { ; � �► <br />� �� �� : �� �l � � �� <br />Tightened security knits visits, is �aU�� `insult' <br />their access to fire stations. <br />}��( MAttISA AtxilA <br />Pioneer f�ss <br />As i�� narion (�bt'�1�� the <br />brotherhood sutl.UZ� Qz'efi�;ht�ts, <br />several retired ��'111e volun- <br />teer �Hg�t.� �y they don't <br />fe�l sa waiN�� anymore. <br />The �pi�1C� centers on a new <br />security pc���.*y that iit�its fire <br />station guests to �Q m�iiuk�s and <br />oIIl� when a department employ- <br />ee is present. several retired ntB- <br />�hter�, �vho regularly �at�er at <br />�ii�[at�:aus�es f�� cof'f'ee �d v'l8� <br />fh�, call the new measures "�t <br />insttlt." Fire Chief Richard Gas- <br />away says the change was nec�s- <br />S�ty to tighten security, particu- <br />larl� after Sept. 11. <br />It's a slap in the face," said <br />Joe Rossini, who retired from the <br />FROM PACE18 <br />Policy called `insult' <br />� (condnued) <br />G <br />; has them and where they are," <br />``said Ga�away, who plans to <br />implement a new, improved <br />keyles� system at stationhouses <br />before year's end. <br />Tlte chief cited problems <br />! with unlocked doors and an <br />incident in which a firefighter <br />discovered an intruder in a sta- <br />tionhouse at 2 a.m. The rri�tl got <br />away before firefighters could <br />question him. <br />But the retied firefighters <br />do not believe the policy has <br />anything to do with security. <br />Some believe GasaWay doesn't <br />j support the older fueffghters. <br />"He ignored us," Rossirli <br />said. "in his two years, he never <br />would talk to us." <br />Gasa�vay, who became the <br />department's first full-time <br />chief in 1999, denies any ill feel- <br />ings toward retirees or older <br />firefighters. <br />"lt's unfortunate that they <br />would view it as something per- <br />sonal," Casaway said. "I su1'e <br />a o n�.,,, They're still welcome." <br />He stands by the reasoning <br />behind the policy, including the <br />time limit. <br />"We are running a business, <br />and our employees have work <br />to do," Gasaway said. <br />A1 Caswell, 59, who retired <br />from the department as a cap- <br />tain in 1995, said he wished the <br />chief had discussed the issue <br />with the retirees beforehand. <br />"We all could have sat down <br />and solved this problem," he <br />said. <br />Although the chief says he <br />has some regrets about the ini- <br />tial communication of the poli- <br />cy, he wan't be asking the <br />retirees about what they feel <br />the rules should be. <br />"The retired firefighters are <br />not going to be involved in the <br />development of policy for the <br />city," Gasavvay sa�d. <br />For a group whose ties do <br />not fade with retirement, the <br />matter is an emotional one. <br />Other suburban depariments <br />1 i k e (?akclale a��d StUlwate�; <br />volunteer department t1� a res <br />cue captain l��i y�r. <br />In protest Ak the new policy, <br />Rt��ini, ��, has W� a�igq out- <br />side his Ros�Y$1% bo 'T'h� 5 <br />reads: "Kc�sevtlle k`�.r��epar� <br />ment •��- �Ei years t4 build -�- two <br />years to destroy ---`�1�i:t11�s Chief <br />�f��.lD <br />t <br />Gasaway says 8 reven-mem- <br />b�P task ft�rce cle�sed the policy <br />and tb�t� the depariment was <br />lor�g cr��sid� st�ppi� u p <br />security He c'�ntentl6 that the <br />1� of a po�cy regarding the <br />�;� of keys when someone <br />1�Y� �i� department was a <br />sect�rity risk. <br />There were a lot of keys �lut. <br />there that wc don't know who <br />POLICY t�l.LL�U'ItYSUL'i", 56 <br />which also use volunteer or <br />paid-per-call $reflghters, "rtllDw' <br />retirees to return alone ��or <br />Unli�rllt;�tl visits. In �akdale, the <br />1'E��71'8d �1'�h�i'8 can keep <br />their p�ge1'S:B�ld punch codes. <br />G�wa� gayg he is not con- <br />cerned with what other depart- <br />ments do. <br />However, in response to the <br />dispute, the city is considering <br />sponsoring a separate gather- <br />ing spot for all retired city <br />employees and volunteers. <br />That doesn't appeal to 6�i- <br />year-old Bill Palmer, a retired <br />district chief. <br />"We deserve ,.. to be able to <br />come into our �e stations that <br />we built," Palmer said <br />Retired '1'raining Ga�- ,�c� <br />Coppel"SrC►ith, 53, doesn't kv�t►t <br />to speculate about the motives <br />behind the new policy, which he <br />equated to mandated baby-sit- <br />tfng. <br />"We paid our dues," he said. <br />"You deal with tbe;polit.ics. We <br />just want to have coffee." <br />141arisa At�ha ccsn be reached at <br />magha@pioneerpress.coan or <br />(651) z2s-21os. <br />