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My impression: Based on the fact this provision allows you to address the issue you have <br />ra�sed, without due cause, regarding retired firefighters not locking doors and leaving <br />windows open, 1 presume you also plan to ensure that current firefighters and police off"icers <br />are held accountable for these actions. With all due respect, allow me to predict that unless <br />"internal" changes are also made regarding this issue, doors and windows will continue to <br />remain open regardless of having changed combinations and locks. <br />Let me also state that as a retired firefighter who served this City for 20 years, I am angry that <br />our access has bc;cn d��uc;d undcr such au;usatory lcrtt�s. <br />I fccl that thc provisions listcd abovc arc oxccptioc�s to thc rulc. Thcy sccm to havc bccn i�plcmcntcd <br />without considering all those they would affect. The remaining security provisions I have not mentioned <br />are very reasonable and I clearly understand the need for them. <br />Y1CaSC allow ItIC lo maicc Iwo ruorc poi�its/rc,qucsts: <br />I would respcctfutly rcqucst that you proyidc mc with thc �thcr Minncsota voluntccr firc <br />departments who have nnplemented sim�lar policies in response the terrorist attacks. <br />in response to the liability issue raised in your letter dated November 6, t would be interested <br />in knowing how the City can be held tiable by a person who voluntdrily and willingly gains <br />access to a City building. Although the City has potential liability all over the City • <br />pathways, streets, ice rinks, Rose Fest Parade, play areas, lralltields, parks, etc. • the fact of <br />the matter is, everyone who accesses these areas has also done so voluntarily and �villingly. <br />t have felt the great loss on September 11 of our brothers and sisters in the Fire Service and the Police <br />Service in New York City. ! understand the issues this may potentially raise for the City of Roseville. <br />However, t have a�ways believed that all fire��h�ers stand by each other and work as a team for the good of <br />each brother and sister. 1 do not feel this has been the case by the City of Roseville actions in implementing <br />�ticsc ncw sccurity policics. <br />Wc ail undcrstand wbat the Unitcd StaCcs nccds at this rimc. Wc n� to bc united as a team, not �reatcd <br />as someone who is old and not needed. If some terrorist act were to happen in the City of Roseville you <br />will need all the help you can get not just from other departments but also from the retirees, who will still <br />bC willing ta ��ip il� iiccded. Wc arc all iairuiy yncitibcrs. <br />As you cansidcr thcsc thoughts, plcasc kccp in mind thc sccnc in Ncw York, immcdiatcly aftcr thc tcrrorist <br />attacks, where hundreds of �refighters and police officers began chanting "USA! USA!" as President Bush <br />helped retired �refighter Bob Beckwirth of Queens onto the back of the burned out fire truck with him <br />and ttu'cw his arm around uic 6y ycar-atti volun�ccr, 3I1(I Uk1IlICCQ lL1Cill fOT' (l1C1I' I1CI'U1SIT1. <br />Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. 1 would be happy to sit down and discuss these <br />issues with you and strongly encourage you to consider asking for the Yeedback and involvement of all <br />people connected to the fire department — including your retired firefighters. 1 would appreciate a response <br />�iom you on the issues outlined above. You may send a response to me or you can also c�lt me. <br />Sincerely. �-�-NL��t�-/`>� <br />Tom Ufiansi�i <br />65 1-483-4206 <br />Fireiighter/ Lieutenant ! St&ion Captain/ Safery C;aptain <br />(1976-1996) <br />� <br />: ia3�r Julu+ Y+y>3•iy�c}si <br />NeilBeets, RosavilieCityManager CattClClltnenLieRqMttqchkB Cotulcilqlari-electTomkoUgh <br />Coum:ilmmi .k�(u� �xxley,n C�wiu;ilwuttwn Baufi Ma.uel <br />�OW1C(iI11St1'Craig �it1g Councilman elect Gleg Schroeder <br />