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,�—. _ , <br />December 1,200 1 <br />Richard Gasaway <br />Fire Chief <br />City of Roseville <br />2G6U Civic Center Drive <br />Roscvillc MN 55 113 <br />Dear Chief Gasaway: <br />As a former volunteer firefighter for 20 years for the City of Rosevillc, I am writing to e�p1'eS5 my concern <br />ovcr lhc rcCCnt sCCUrily poficics 1�111 look Cj��( 1b11owittg ���p Scplcmbcr 11 tcrronst ati;;ck,. <br />Rcading thC lCttCr SCrit from you on bchalf of thc Roscvillc Firc Dcpartmcnt and Dcpu4y ClticfS staff, on <br />Cktobel' 15,200 1, was a very sad day for 111C, It was sad day, in part, bCCUUSC of thc fact that as fircfighters, <br />both current and retired, we ha�e always been brothers and sisters working for one thing • to keep the City <br />Kascvillc sal'c. My scnsc oi bcing part oi� a`'lamily" was Lakcn away whctt 1 rCad your icttcr. <br />Although 1 appreciate the effort made in your second letter dated November 6, which revised the policy to <br />include 30 minute visits frpili retired firefighters, j would like you to consider the following impressions j <br />ha�e of the portions listed below of the remaining policy implemented October 15: <br />3. <br />Access to fire department property Shall, at �i11 times, <br />police offlCers. <br />Immediate family members of-active firefighters shall <br />30 minute�. <br />be restricted to active firefighters and <br />be permitted visitations, not to exceed <br />1v�y imprex�iun: Since this policy statement does not allow, even with the revision made in <br />the November 6 letter regarding retired firefighters, for non active fir'efi'tghters to be on <br />premises for longer than 30 minutes, I do not expect that retired firefighters or their wives wilt <br />be asked to volunteer for any future events (booya, Christmas Party, etc.), since that would <br />vi0lalC lliC policy. SinCC my W11C and 1 cnjoy and want io continue to vO111i11CC1' for �(iC5C <br />activitics, l am S�ddcncd by thcsc dcvclopmcnts. <br />Civilian access ShalI be restricted to companies and employees who are conducting work on <br />fire department equipment/buildings. Access for this purpose must be pre-approved and <br />su�civiscd a1 all (iiTtCS. <br />11tiy Response: It concerns mc that 1) You have not cicaFly spccificd who shall bc resppnsible <br />for supervision of complete strangers working on City buildings and equipment; and, 2) Even <br />if you had SpECifi�d who would be responsible for supervision, you ha�e lei a clear <br />impression that complete strangers, with supervision, are to be more trusted than retired <br />firefighters who would be simply visiting their colleagues as we ha�e done for years. <br />Access to fire department civilian employees shall be restricted to official fire department <br />b��sincss. <br />My impression: Under this provision, I presume the City will make plans to hold all "non <br />official fire department business" and activities, such as the booya, Christmas Pariy, and any <br />other events, away from fire department properiy. since this would clearly be a violation of <br />the safety policy. lf security is the only motive, we cannot ha�e it both ways. Ha�en recently <br />received invitations to volunteer for and/or participate in upcoming Christmas events, I am <br />cor►fnscd by thc contradiction. <br />Access combinations to all fire department doors shall be considered confidential and <br />restricted to active firefighters and police officers. <br />