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C. Multiple Violations: At a licensee's first a p pe a ra n c e before the Council. the Council <br />must act upon a11 of the violations that ha�e been a1le�ed in the notice sent to the <br />licensee. The Council in that case must consider the �resum�tive �enalty for each <br />violation under the first a�pearance column in subsections C and I> of this Section. The <br />occurrence of multiple violations is �rounds for deviation from the presumed penalties in <br />the Council's discretion. <br />U. Subsequent Violations: Viol.ations occurrin� after the notice of hearin� has been. mailed� <br />but prior to the hearin�, must be treated as a separate violation and dealt with as a second <br />abbearance before the Council. unless the City Mana�er and licensee a�ree in writin� to <br />add the violation to the first appearance. The same procedure applies to a second, third, <br />fourth or fifth appearance before the Council. <br />E. Subsequent A�pearances: Upon a second, third, fourth, or fifi;h a�pearance before the <br />Council bv the same licensee, the Council must impose the presumptive penaltv for the <br />violation or vi.olations �ivin� rise to the subsequent appearance without re�ard to the <br />particular violation or violations that were the subject to the first or prior appearance. <br />However, the Council mav consider the amount of time elapsed between the appearances <br />as a basis for deviatin� from the presumptive penaltv imposed bv this Section. <br />F. Computation of Appearances: After the first appearance. a subsequent appearance by the <br />same licensee will be determined as follows: <br />98288 <br />