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I'Ype of Violation <br />1. Commission of a Fel <br />related to the licensed <br />Revocation NA NA NA <br />Revocation NA NA NA <br />3. Sale of alcoholic bevera e Wam <br />to under-a�e person letter <br />4. Sa1e of alcoholic bevera es Wam <br />to obviously into�cated letter <br />berson <br />5. After hours sale of Warning <br />alcoholic bevera�es letter <br />6. After hours displav or Warnin� <br />consumption of alcoholic letter <br />bevera es <br />7. Refusal to a11ow Citv Warnin <br />ins ectors or Police admission letter <br />to insbect bremises <br />Warnin� <br />9. Failure to take reasonable Warnin <br />steps to stop person from letter <br />lea�in� premises with <br />alcoholic bevera�es <br />10. Failure to make Warnin <br />a lication for license renewal letter <br />rior to license ex iration date <br />11. Sale of into�catin li uor Warnin� <br />where onlv license is for 32 letter <br />percent malt liquor <br />$500.00 and $500.00 and 1000.00 <br />�1 a 3 da�s and 5 dav <br />$500.00 and $500.00 and �1000 00 <br />1 dav 3 davs and 5 da <br />$500.00 and $500.00 and 1000.00 <br />1 dav �lavs and 5 dav <br />$500.00 and $500.00 and $1000.00 <br />1 dav 3 davs and 5 da �� <br />$500.00 and 500.00 and 1000.00 <br />c�av c�avs and 5 da <br />$500.00 and <br />1 dav <br />$500.00 and <br />1 dav <br />$500.00 and <br />1 dav <br />NA <br />Revocation <br />$500.00 and 1000.00 Revocation <br />3 da s and 5 da s <br />$500.00 and 1000.00 Revocatior <br />3 davs and 5 davs <br />davs <br />$500.00 <br />�iavs <br />1000.00 Revocation <br />and 5 davs <br />2. Presumptive Penalties for violation of license holders who do not participate in optional <br />mana�er and server training. are specified below. Unless specified. numbers below <br />indicate consecutive davs suspension and the Citv Council sha11 determine the <br />commencement date of the suspension. <br />98288 <br />