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III. 2001 Comprehensive Plan and Revisions <br />A. BACKGROUND <br />1. Each year in December/January the Roseville Planning Commission and City <br />Council affirm the Comprehensive Plan changes that have occurred during the <br />previous year. During the year, public hearings are held on a11 plan changes <br />before the Commission and Council approve them. Most amendments are then <br />sent to the Metropolitan Council for their review (if they have not been sent <br />earlier). <br />Z. In order to keep track of amendments to the Plan, the Planning Commission has <br />annually scheduled a hearing on the affirmation of the changes. If approved, the <br />changes are included on an addenda sheet in the front of the Plan. <br />3. This year the Planning Commission's public hearing on the changes that ha�e <br />occurred during 2001 began on November 14, 2001, continued to the December <br />12 meeting and is concluding with the hearing at the Januaty 2, 2002 meeting. <br />The following sections indicate modifications that ha�e occurred in 2001 or are <br />currently being revised. <br />4. The Planning Commission is also required by State Statute 462356 to hold a <br />public hearing to review and determine whether the City of Roseville Capital <br />Improvement Program (CIP) for the upcoming year (2002) is consistent with the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />5. On November 14 and December 12, 2001, the Community Development <br />Department presented the Commission with information regarding the 2001 <br />reaffirmation of the City`s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Capital <br />Improvement Plan. Since those two hearings, city staff has completed all the <br />necessarv chan�es/modifications, which are discussed below and attached. <br />B. 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISIONS — A chart of the entire plan, sections, <br />and appendices is incorporated in the front of the Plan. Changes for 2001 are shown in <br />red. <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: For the first time the Roseville Comprehensive Plan <br />includes an executive summary, that briefly describes all the ingredients of the Plan. In <br />addition, a Citizen's Guide to the Comprehensive Plan (a Plan snapshot) has been <br />prepared and is being printed for distribution in 2002. <br />Roseville Comprehensive Plan —. 2001 Update The Plan & Updating Process — Page 6 of 9 <br />