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THE PEOPLE <br />Demographic Trends of the 2000 Census <br />Children <br />In the United States, the population in 2000 was 283 million. The average life <br />expectancy is 74 years for men and 80 for women. The average for all Americans is <br />76 years. Nationally, in 2000, there were 4.1 million births, 106,000 more than 1990; <br />women age 30+ gave birth to 36% of the babies born in 2000. In 2000, the birth rate <br />for women, 30 or older, was at the highest level in 30 years. By age groups the <br />birth rate is: <br />. 94.2 births / 1000 women age 30-34 <br />. 40.3 births/1000 women age 35-39 <br />. 7. 9 births / 1000 women age 40-44 <br />Infant mortality is now 7.2 / 1000 births. <br />Roseville has slightly less than 3,400 females ages 30 to 44, with most (2,400) over <br />the age of 35. <br />Nationally 26% of households with 2 parents have children in 1998, while in 1970 <br />it was 45%. By comparison, Roseville has 2,525 two-parent families and 722 one- <br />parent families which together equal 22% of the total 15,000 households; 565 (<4%) <br />of these one parent families have a female head of household. Approximately 41% <br />of Roseville households (5,998) are non-family, non-related. About 33% (4,912) of <br />the total 15,000 households are single-person households. <br />The number of children less than 5 has increased (4%) since 1990 nationally, but as <br />a percent of the total population it has decreased. In Roseville, both the number of <br />children less than 5(1,300) and percent of population (less than 4%) has declined <br />from 1990. Nationally there is an increasing number of teen and preteens — the <br />echo boomers; in Roseville it has remained stable at 16%. The number of young <br />adults, age 20 to 34, has declined by approximately 5% since 1990 nationally and in <br />Roseville. <br />Life Style <br />The number of married households is 54.5 million nationally which is still the <br />traditional family structure. The number of unmarried couples living together <br />nationally increased 72% to 5.5 million households (10% of married households) <br />during the 1990s. In Roseville, less than 20% (2,525) of households are 2 person <br />married households, while approximately twice as many (41%, 5,998) households <br />have non-related individuals living together. <br />Roseville Comprehensive Plan - 2001 Update The Land and its People -Page 8 of 24 <br />