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...� <br />HUMAN RIGHTS ESSAY <br />(Relate the Ultl'VBI'S0i �C/Qll�IOH of Human Rights to a current �tPWS CV�/flf In what <br />ways hqs the Ut�iversurl Declaration of Human R�ltis been viodated with concern to this <br />current news event, and what can I, as an ptdivid�l, do about it7J <br />In the year of 2008, The People's Republic of China, (PRC) will be hosting the summer <br />Olympic games. Because The People's Republic of China consistently violates the human rights <br />of the people who live there, I wondered how it was that they received the right to host the <br />Olympics, a world wide event that calls for peace, harmony and respect for human rights written <br />into its own mission statement! <br />The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has two statements proclaimed within its <br />Preamble that pertain especially well to this current events issue that I am concerned about. <br />The first statement is found in the first paragraph of the Preamble. It's a declaration which <br />says that ... "Recognition of the inherent dignity of the human family and of the equal and <br />inalienable rights of all members of the human family are the foundation offeedom, justice and <br />peace in th e world " <br />So, why does a country with such widespread human rights violations get to host the <br />Olympics. The People's Republic of China arrests people without trial just for exercising their <br />rights to freedom of association, freedom of religion, and freedom of expression. There are severe <br />restrictions on contacts between the people and the media, they only hear what the Government <br />wants them to hear. Also, The People's Republic of China prohibits all religious groups outside of <br />established state-approved religions. In almost all of the large cities, married couples are not <br />