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� permittedtohavemoretbanonechild. Based on ev�ryt� we kn�w �bout �ow `The F��e's <br />Republic of China treats its peop�, sh�uZdn't I protest in some way that they were awarded the <br />Olympics? <br />Well, mother statement w[t� the Un�vErsal Declaration of Human Rights t�y he�i me <br />with my answ�r. T%is sta,tem+� is also fou� in t1� Pr�amble, fow th �sph, it st�t�s t�t <br />" Whereas it is essential to promote the development offriertally relttttoits between nations': By <br />awarding the People's Republic of China the 2�8 summer games, the International (�yn�itc <br />Committee was trying to do its part to promote goodwill It was folbwin� the intention of the <br />Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Maybe this will be a good thing. Maybe The People's <br />Republic of China will develop a new regard for human rights by experiencing the frient�ship and <br />cooperation between peoples of all nations that come together to make an Olympics happen. It is <br />well known that hosting the Olympics is a huge undertaking for a country. The People's Republic <br />of China has successfully hosted large athletic events in the past and the people of The People's <br />Republic of China have worked very hard to make it good. Wii The People's Republic of China <br />reward its people for working hard to put on a good Olympics by giving them more freedoms. <br />Wii the foreign press that comes into their country force the Chinese government into treating it's <br />own people better, so that the country doesn't get "bad" press. The people of The People's <br />Republic of China will see their foreign visitors enjoying freedoms that they never get. Maybe <br />positive change will occur in China because of this Olympics. <br />I plan to write letters to the International Olympic Committee, and to the Olympic Leaders <br />within The People's Republic of China expressing my view that at first I was not okay with their <br />hosting the Olympics, but now I just want them to try really hard to give their people basic human <br />rights in keeping with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in keeping with the spirit of <br />Olympic competition. Maybe if enough students in America do the same, change for the better <br />will occur. <br />