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H��tn R.i�ht� E�y CQ�t�st <br />Wl�n I l�ard about tl� Human Righ�s Essay Contest, it d�n't take � long to thin�c of <br />a subject. One of my first i&as was China's invasion of Tibet. Since 1958, China has <br />cormol� T`bet a�d turc�ed it mto a cultural v++asie� w�h ove�.owing pr�su�s �1 <br />hundteds of it�tocert�t Tbetans beii kiYled every day. In 1958, Co � a <br />program of what they cal�si "democratic reform." In r�a�rty, the Chinese government has <br />used policies of cultural genocide, censorship, and hrutality to oppress the country of <br />Tibet. Over 1.2 million T`betans were killed (or starved) between the years 1949 and <br />1979. Many of these Tibetans died in prisons and labor camps, which ha�e a death rate of <br />70 0. In the wilderness of the northern Tibetan Plains 10,000 inmates were kept in only <br />five prisons where they were forced to mine and transport borax. Ten to thirty died from <br />hunger, beating, or overwork every da y. In a year more than 8,000 were dead, l�ving <br />only about 20% of the inmates. These are obviously unacceptable living conditions for a11 <br />Tibetans <br />Since China violates almost a11 of the articles in the Universal Declaration of Human <br />Rights, it was difficult to choose just a few, but here I will descrii some of China's larger <br />Human Rights violations. <br />Article 13r (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the <br />borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, includii his own, <br />and to return to his country. <br />The government of China quite obviously disregards this article with their rules restricting <br />the free movement of Tibetans within their country. Citizens ha�e to register at a certain <br />place where they are entitled to residence and the purchas� of food rations. Official <br />permission is required to move from one place to another, even for a short amount of <br />time. <br />� <br />� <br />