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BQNESTROQ ROSENE ANDEftLIK w � 6516361311 <br />M'r, �utlne Sr.hwur�z, Public 6Vvrkc Superinter�d�r:t <br />Ciiy of Rus�villE � <br />04/30/02 10:51 � :03/OS N0:430 <br />Apr�il30,1a02 <br />��g� 2 <br />Puhllt Fntrancel'C'u�tomer, Commui��ty and StaffFACllitl�� <br />Customer Service Center add�iCion of appro�mately a0O0 square feet including space <br />for public entry, customer servic,e eottntet, conference room and stall multi-purpose <br />B.CCII. <br />Remodel e�sting staff areas to mect current and fliture needs of up to SO st�ff: <br />Vehicle Maiptenance <br />Remodel/expand existing T�CiliCy to meet current and future needs of IArger ve�ticic;s, <br />weldit]g area and ventilation. <br />Vehicle maintenance rec�rd� �rea to move to existing maintenance management area. <br />Improvements to capacity and lighting in par�s storage area. <br />Vehicle and Equipmettt Stot'Age Garage Attd Material Storage Yard <br />Tmprovements in vehicle rl�p�ei�ICrit and storage. <br />Yard su'ea expansion. <br />Relocation of Civic Center �?ri�ve.. <br />New parking configuration to meet totxl parking needs. <br />Upgrades to wood shop, sign shop, meter shop �nd small enbine/equipmeitt rGpair <br />area. <br />W�e understand that the preliinin�ry budget for the project has b�en established as $2,0��,OOI�.OU. <br />We further underatand that the City has drawings availab�e for ��ur Usc of the e�sting building and <br />sit�. <br />S�oue of Services <br />Programming/Orlentation/Dnta Gathering <br />In order to fully understand the Project, a programming/oric;a�tatie�n/clala gathering period will bc <br />conducted a� the he�in�iin� of the project in orde�� to establish the overall scope and priorities Eor the <br />Project. Included in this rc;view will be diacussion of required functinnal, work areapro�mities ��t1d <br />potential �1�sign restrictions imposcd by the exis[ing facilities. <br />We will evaluate the cxisting conditions and interview departmcnl memhers to ascertain spa.cial <br />needs and requirements. <br />