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BONESTR00 ROSENE ANDERLIK W � 6516361311 <br />M'r. f�uane rchwarrz, Pu8/ic Wnrks .SaJ���ril��endertt <br />Crry nf Rnsevtlre <br />04/30/02 10:51 � :04/05 N0:430 <br />Apri130, 200? <br />l�a�e � <br />The conclusion of this phasC will be the establishment of a�inal program, schedule �nd a <br />construction budgct. <br />We anticipate the following activities for this ph�ase of the work: <br />. Two meetings with the P�t�}ic Works Depnttment reprr;�e��t�tives <br />• Two field verification trips <br />• Preliminary layout <br />• Sp�c;ial requirements report <br />5chematic Destg4 Ph�t�e <br />With the establishment of a program, schedule and budget of the schematic design pbasc wilI <br />explore, with the I�epartm�nt the alternative approaches to design and construction of the project. <br />The design team will pr,epate for review Schematic UesEgn Documents consisting of drawings a��d <br />ofher documents illustrating the scale and relationship of the Fre�je�t campon�n�s, <br />VI'e anticipate the following activities for this ph�&e of the work: <br />• Two meetings with the department committee <br />� Material selection <br />� Preliminary P1an5 <br />• Preliminary building elevations <br />- Site Plan <br />Detailed Cost Estfinates <br />T�hc design team will prepare itemized cost estimates for the project. The cost esllmates will l�e <br />formatted to retic:ct the major categories of work. <br />This should provide the DCpartmCnt and the City with the information required to proceed with <br />ic�'torming the public about the project. The City will have preliminary plans, building elevations, <br />si't� pl�n and cost estimates for the project. T�hese will bc prescnted in �► mtu�ncr to a11ow the <br />cic;p�,r�ment to display the proposed facility to �the public in anticip�tio� of the referendum. <br />SChE'.(�lll� <br />V1`e understand that the City of R�scville desireS �h� proje�t be completed in two phases. �Pl»se or�c <br />will include the programming, information gathering, work and the schematic de�i�;n. The second <br />Phase will include the remaindcr ol'the design, bidding and c�nstrueiion �at�tio7ts of the work This <br />approach will allow the City lo have enou�h information to inform the public ofits inte�itians �ntl <br />allow the referendum lo proceed in an informed way and yet wi 11 allow the costs to he minimized in <br />the pre-referendum pllasc:s of tbc work This �ipproach will minimize tlle froi�t-end costs. <br />