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�. 0'" i ` � <br />� <br />,t ! <br />', Craig Klausing <br />Memo <br />To: Neal Beets <br />From: Craig Klausing <br />CC: Mayor John Kysylyczyn, Dean Maschka, Tom Kough, Greg Schroeder <br />Date: September 6, 2002 <br />Re: Attorney Client Privilege <br />Neal, <br />Based upon what I have read in the newspaper, I have the impression that because of concern over <br />attorney client privilege, city attorney Joel Jamnik may feel constrained in sharing what legal <br />advice he gave Mayor Kysylyczyn regarding the Mayor's vote to pay his own legal fees. <br />However, as you know, the privilege is for the protection of the client and is the client's to waive. <br />The client in this case is the City of Roseville and not the Mayor as an individual. Therefore, the <br />client (i.e., the City acting through the Council) should expressly waive the privilege as there is no <br />reason for us to assert it. If Mr. Jamnik gave the Mayor advice that is exculpatory, then the Mayor <br />has a right to have that information made public. If Mr. Jamnik advised the Mayor that he <br />shouldn't vote to pay his own legal fees, the City has a right to have that information made public. <br />In other words, whatever the advice there is no reason to assert the attorney client privilege. <br />I am therefore requesting that you add consideration of this item added to Monday's meeting <br />agenda. Thank you. <br />Craig Klausing <br />Roseville City Council <br />