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Executive <br />Summary <br />The purpose of the land use/transit study was to <br />identify land use opportunities based on Smart <br />Growth principles that support transit-oriented <br />development and related transit infrastructure. <br />The Northeast Diagonal Corridor was identified <br />in Transit2020as a potential buswayto be imple- <br />mented post-201 0. This study is also intended <br />to assess the affect of these land use scenarios <br />on the future transit market for the Northeast Di- <br />agonal study area. <br />Smart Growth <br />Sourc�; CVOSe tandscape Arcfiitectureand the Ciry of White Bear Lake <br />Smart Growth is about creating neighborhoods that are walkable, with open space and easy ac- <br />cess to transit, goods and services, and a variety of housing to meet the needs of people Of all ages <br />and incomes. Smart Growth recognizes the importance of increased transit ridership, decreased <br />automobile use and the efficient use of existing infrastructure. <br />Smart Growth starts with a regional vision that is implemented at the local level. The regional vision <br />is based on these building blocks for livablecommunities: <br />. Design for people <br />. Protect and enhance the environment <br />. Provide housing choices <br />. Include a mix of uses <br />PLANNING PROCESS <br />The planning process was organized around a Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) made up of elected <br />and local leaders, and a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that provide technical advice to the <br />consultant team. In addition, the study included two community-oriented workshops; the first one <br />