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■ Unit 13: 104 feet from north property line & 112 feet from west property line for <br />principal structure, 109 feet from north property line & 112 feet from west property line <br />for deck/patio. <br />� Units 14: 112 feet & 94 feet from west property line for principal structure, 90 feet & 95 <br />feet from west property line for deck/patio. <br />� Unit 15 — 20: 182 feet from the west property line for principal structure; 172 feet from <br />west property line for deck/patio. <br />' Units 21 and 22: Open space is rear yard. <br />Setbacks are based on periphery property line. <br />Side Yard <br />Units 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 16 and 17, 18 and 19, have a minimum building separation of 20 <br />feet between structures. Unit 6 and 7 have a minimum separation of 20 feet between <br />structures; and Units 8 and 9,10 and 11, 12 and 13 have a minimum separation of 40 feet <br />between structures. <br />59 Masterpiece Homes will subdivide the property into a Community In Common (CIC) <br />plat. The Stonecrest plat indicates 23 lots (22 townhome lots and one large lot that <br />incorporates all common open space areas) to be created out of the 6.9 acre (300,564 <br />square foot) site. These lots are 46 feet wide by 103 feet deep, totaling 104,236 square <br />feet or 38% of the development. The lots will be owned under the structure and <br />e�tending roughly 5 to 17 feet from the structure. <br />5.10 The development proposes to dedicate 28,204 square feet (9.4%) of street right-of-way; <br />have a minimum townhome unit footprint of roughly 1,860 square feet; attached three <br />sta11 garages between 560 to 600 square feet or 58,680 total square feet of structure <br />footprint; and driveway area (excluding that in street right-of-way) totaling 28,200 square <br />feet, for a total of 86,880 square feet or 32% impervious coverage; the remaining area, <br />185,480 square feet (58%) will be either common area owned by an association or <br />individual property owner open area. <br />5.11 Traffic generation (Source: Institute of Traffic Engineers — Traffic Generation Manual) is <br />estimated to be from 7 to 11 vehicles per housing unit or a total of 154 to 242 trips which <br />will enter or leave the cul-de-sacs to County Road B during a given 24 hour day. The <br />peak PM hour should range from 8 to 12 vehicle trips. This includes vehicles such as the <br />mail truck and garbage pick-up. County Road B with 2,550 ADT (2000) trips per day in <br />this location is not at capacity for an "A" Minor Arterial street and can easily absorb the <br />added trips (a "trip" is defined as one vehicle entering or leaving a lot). It is estimated <br />that County Road B will have 4,950 ADT by 2020 if the connection to 280 is not <br />eliminated. <br />5.12 Utility services � City water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer have the required capacity <br />in this area to serve the proposed Stonecrest development. <br />PF3417 — RCA Final Development Plan 093002 Page 4 <br />
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