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Roseville Firefighter's Relief Association <br />May 8, 2001 <br />Page Three <br />The Nlinnesota Supreme Court expounded on the doctrine in State, ex rel, Carlton v. Weed, 208 <br />Minn. 342,294 N.W. 370 (Minn. 1940): <br />"Where a Statute embraces only a part of a subject covered comprehensively by a prior <br />law, the two should be construed together unless a different legislative intent appears; the <br />later being an exception of qualification of the prior only so far as they are repugnant." <br />In fact, the 1542 Legislative Session passed a Bill which would have addcd a definition to Minn. <br />Stat. § 424A.02 by providing "to separate from active service means to cease to perform ti re <br />suppression duties and cease to supervise fire suppression duties". The Bill was pocket vetoed, <br />but suggests the intent of the Legislature to limit the benefits provided to volunteers to <br />compensate them for their duties when subjected to the hazards of firefighting (fire suppression). <br />Since we are not familiar with the fuil job description of the proposed members, we offer no <br />opinion as to whether they meet the strict construction of the statutory constraint. <br />:lccordin6ly, if those individuals holding the positions are qualified in all respects for <br />membership in the Fire Department, they are likewise eligible for membership in the Association <br />pursuant to the compelling language of the By-laws; but subject to the Board's determination <br />that membership cannot be denied upon the strict construction and non-discriminator!, <br />application of the By-laws and applicable law. <br />If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at yo�n <br />convenience. Thank you for the opportunity of being of service to you. <br />Since I recently provided the requested Attorneys' Opinion responsive to your Certified Public <br />��ccountants, please e�tend to the CPA, my new address, phone number, fax and e-mail contact. <br />I look forward to future service upon your contact. <br />Very truly yours, <br />f ' ,� �� 7� 7 <br />/� <br />David B. Arnold <br />DBA/kkg <br />