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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 12/16/2002 <br />Item No: III. g, <br />Department ApprovaL Manager Approved: Agenda Section: <br />,�,�� ���j Presentations <br />Item Description: Request to Approve a Feasibility Study for the Replacement of the City's <br />Communications System <br />Background <br />Over the past two decades, the use of communication and information technology has become <br />increasingly central to the provision of services to the Community. The City of Roseville has <br />traditionally been a leader among local governments; in utilizing technology to not only enhance <br />services, but also to make our service delivery process more efficient. <br />As with any communication or information system, the need to periodically replace and/or <br />upgrade these systems plays a crucial role in maintaining service levels. During the 2002 and <br />2003 budgeting cycles, City Staff identified the phone system at City Ha11 and other city <br />facilities in need of replacement. This conclusion was based on the following: <br />❑ Both the phone and voice mail systems are approximately nine years old. <br />❑ The phone system is analog-based, and cannot take full advantage of digital technologies <br />❑ The phone system has reached its ma�mum number of allowable phone units <br />❑ The voice mail system is unstable, failing at an increasing rate, and is no longer supported <br />by the manufacturer. <br />0 A number of phone switches and support equipment have failed and have been replaced <br />❑ City facilities currently operate under three separate phone number prefixes <br />❑ Incoming calls into City Hall cannot be transferred to all city facilities <br />The 2003 Equipment Replacement Schedule and Budget appropriated $250,000 to replace the <br />City's phone and voice mail system, pending a full evaluation. <br />Discussion Items <br />During the past year, City Staff has been evaluating a number of options for replacing the City's <br />communication system. These options include the State's Centrex system, PBX system, and an <br />IP telephony system. The evaluation has included both a stand-alone system as well a shared <br />system with other jurisdictions. <br />After several discussions with surrounding communities, the City of New Brighton and CTV are <br />prepared to evaluate the possibility of a shared system with Roseville for the mutual benefit of all <br />parties. The City of New Brighton and CTV have conceptually agreed to share in the funding of <br />this study. <br />