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Consistent with their decision, Staff is requesting Council approval to participate in a study by <br />Haigh, Todd & Associates, Inc., an independent telecommunications firm to evaluate the City of <br />Roseville's needs and if desired, to assist in the preparation of a request for proposal <br />The results of the study will complement the prelimiiary evaluation conducted by Staff earlier <br />this year. <br />Financial Considerations <br />Roseville's share of the study should not exceed $10,000, and will address Roseville's issues <br />both in a shared system as well as a stand-alone system. <br />Council Action Requested <br />Approve the City's participation in a feasibility study from Haigh, Todd & Associates, Inc. for <br />an amount not to exceed $10,000, for the purposes of evaluating the replacement of the City's <br />communication system. <br />