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��;4 k ra�o Vt <br />14Y HUMAN RIGHTS HE <br />Martin Lu ther K ing Jr. was a Baptist minis H e was a main civil <br />rights leader of the 1950's and 60's, Mar tin had a great speaking abi lity, <br />which helped hire to get across the demands of black Americas for social <br />justice. <br />H e led many blacks s ire many marches an protests. Among these are: a <br />protest about seating arrangements ors a bus system, marching to Washington.. <br />DC to highlight u employmn t and a protest in Se lma, Alabama. <br />K ing 's leadership of civil rights marches and protests began in 1955 <br />when Rosa P arks, a black woman, refused to sit in the back of a bus. She <br />was arrested for disobeying the law that required blacks to be in the back <br />of the bus. <br />Another of King's protests was in 1960. This protest was because <br />black college students were entering restaurants that o served whites. <br />The blacks were treated like they weren't there; they were given poor <br />service once they di d get attention. King became unhappy that Kennedy was <br />doing so little to help the blacks. <br />King and a few other c rights leaders started to organize a <br />massive march in Washington, DC. The march was intended to highlight black <br />unemployment. A strong part of thi rally was K speech "I Have A <br />Dream". <br />I 1 King helped to organize protests in Selma, Alabama, <br />Demonstrators protested against not being able to vote. King and several <br />hundred protester marched from Selma to Mon tgomery. Within a few months, <br />Congress ap the Voting Rights Act of 1965. <br />King organized one more rally in Memphis, Tenne ssee. Th rally was <br />to support st riking black garbagemen. while appearing during this rally, <br />Martin Lu ther King, Jr. was s hot and killed on April 4. 1968, by James Ear <br />R ay, on King's tombstone are written the words at last, free at last, <br />tha you God Almighty, I'm free at last." <br />During his lifetime Martin Luther King, Jr. did many good things for <br />blacks. If he wouldn't have been shot I'm sure he would have continued to <br />work for civil rights, In any opinion, King is a great person because he <br />s tood u p for what he believed.. <br />