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a C) f�- Dc 0 C. <br />If a family different from my fammily moved into a home <br />on my street, and sc>mecme an my family or one my <br />neighbors made a negative c�omment about this family <br />becmuse co# their racial herita reiigiamn, or economic <br />amic <br />status, 1 would first. let them know that this comment <br />they made ready bathers me, and I think it is unfair of <br />them to make #fiist type of statement abcrut peop they <br />do nQt even know. Seocmdly I wculd tell this person to <br />put themselv+5s in the this families place moving intQ a <br />new n$ighborhcmad, not knowing anyone, being <br />different. from their neighbors, and possibly having to <br />deal with some kind o�f pr y j�udic�e. I would alma explain <br />that this is the kind of problem sQme families have to <br />deal with every dad of their liwest. In order for this <br />problem to change we have to start changing our <br />wie+ws cm how to treat people who may be a little <br />different from us. We: should give these people a <br />c� an cam: and get to knaw them before we pates <br />judgement. Prejudice of all kinds is one of our +Nrrwst <br />enemies. I would finally till this person tct come with <br />m$ and welcome Ch is family to the n eighbcfrM vod. <br />Hopefully this perston wcutd an ge their mind and <br />open their heart to people who may use a lit different <br />then us. And all of us could be very good friends. <br />