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Debbie Fuller <br />Hour <br />October 29, 1991 <br />R.osev i Ile Hunan Rights <br />Essay Contest <br />Human Rights Essay Contest <br />I think that everyone should he encouraged to read the <br />B i l l of Rights or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. <br />I don't think that many peole know what these documents <br />state. I know I wasn't aware of what the B i l l of Rights or <br />the Universal. Declaration of Human Rights said or meant. If <br />more people ,just took a minute to read it, people might <br />learn a few thing's. one thing that they might learn would <br />be that everyone is th-e same. Were. all humans, just <br />because some-one's a different color race, or rel. i ion <br />doesn't mean that you should treat them different than <br />people that look like you. <br />If I were in a situation where a, f a m i l y different f rom <br />mine moved in next door and the neighbors were making <br />negative comments about them I would feel ashamed that <br />people in this country could be so disrespectful towards <br />other people. <br />First I would tell my family what kinds of things our <br />neighbors were saying about our new neighbors* Then I would <br />go over to my new neighbors house and introduce my e l f to <br />them and get to know them a little better. After that I <br />would ask the neighbors that were making rude comments about <br />our new neighbors why they were saying that stuff abou t our <br />new neighbors. Then I would arrange for everyone to get <br />together and talk about the problem and try to find a <br />solution. Also I would show the neighbors a copy of either <br />the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Bill of <br />Rights. Hopefully that would get them to resolve their <br />problem. <br />I hope that som people won't discriminate agai <br />other people because of their sex, color race, religion or <br />any other things that aren.'t important qualities in a <br />person. Until that clay comes we should. all try to treat <br />everyone equal and not discriminate against anyone for any <br />reason. <br />