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of ill immigrant acc to the Star <br />Tun, gage A 10 October 7. 2 <br />This number was far greater than the 40 000 immi grants w e the U.S. l <br />men asked my opinion o what we could do to <br />co ntrol this pro I w sad <br />that the U.S. should try helping ether countries rather than turnin their peo away. if <br />the oditio, for Iiig and working in o c <br />es mere better their peo there <br />road be less of a dead for them to immigrate. B he l p i n g other peo we odd <br />b egin to help orsele. We co seed org a n i z ati on s ors lik the eaee CorPs out to the <br />areas of co un tri es w living is ro and pay is low. <br />We cold supply the with rh <br />water and food for their family and education for adults a ehidren. <br />I believe t while we all have different ideas on <br />�tfity, homer <br />children sod be ta food should be prepared clothes sold be nor, and how l <br />s be lid, we are still all in this w together. er. erhas, like glo war and <br />other enirorimeW uses immigration sho be thought of as a goad issue and seeds <br />to e addressed as such. Accordmg to the Declaration of uma Ri gts, article I "ITo <br />one shall e arbitrarily deprived f� his nat�o al n or d <br />t eyed the right to cage his <br />n ationalit y Who are we to deny them of is right? t ft to to stye together, and <br />stay together. One country alone eaRnot tackle this p robl em. <br />We all come from different backgrounds yet we <br />are all still It �s not up t <br />one group of people t o decide who should live where. If a w case en to <br />examine the evidence e1 sel they would see that none of u would be who we are today <br />without immigrants. <br />