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verall1, immigration cannot be a problem for A meriea alone to solve. <br />Fo r dears, <br />imm'gratlon to the n e Stat has been the solution when dictator <br />have persecuted p eop l e in <br />other countries. I think immigration has been overused. other countri m to some atien, <br />and adopt lags that allow middle class citens to get an eduction own <br />Iand, and have jobs that <br />the y can work to get. in order to have a better world for immigr an <br />American c i ti zens we <br />need countries to be good place for people to live. <br />Immigration and Hunan Rights issues are complex and controversial. T he United States <br />is a nation of'mm grants. They have built our count into a eat nati i ton. owever, our greatness <br />1s also due to following laws Instead of dictators. In order for our country to contin to be a free <br />and strong country for all citizens,, the laves must be respected. When we <br />as a country consid <br />changing laws about illegal immigrants, we should remember people aro und <br />ound tie world w a i t i ng <br />for them turn to make a new life, and cone into this coun <br />