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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 15, 2010 <br /> Page 6 <br /> three false alarms; with subsequent fees coming before the City Council at a fu- <br /> ture meeting. <br /> Councilmember Ihlan suggested a differential in fees between businesses and res- <br /> idents, questioning if the response was different between officer response to a <br /> commercial alarm rather than a home alarm. Councilmember Ihlan expressed her <br /> concern that an increase in fees could fall heavily on homeowners, and if it was <br /> determined that residential false alarm calls were less of a problem, it seemed fair <br /> to have higher penalties for businesses that didn't seem to take the false alarms se- <br /> riously or considered them simply a cost of doing business. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that the same amount of resources were spent, no matter <br /> whether a residence or business; and that a typical triggered a phone call to Ram- <br /> sey County dispatchers who coded the call, but currently only provided an ad- <br /> dress, not a designation on whether it was a residential or business alarm, and to <br /> do so would require additional staff time for the Roseville Police Department. <br /> Councilmember Ihlan suggested that the officers in the squad would be able to <br /> differentiate, and she would support cost differentials only if they didn't have un- <br /> fair impacts; opining that businesses probably took longer to investigate than resi- <br /> dential alarms. <br /> Councilmember Roe opined that, related to fees, it made sense not to penalize res- <br /> idents as much as businesses; however, he noted that the proposed fee was for the <br /> third false alarm in a calendar year, providing for two free passes and fees nomin- <br /> al for the first one. Councilmember Roe further opined that it made sense to have <br /> a more substantial escalation factor for repeat offenders, causing residential prop- <br /> erties to become more alert; and future fee increases for businesses if it was so in- <br /> dicated. Councilmember Roe suggested that the fees provide for a maximum lim- <br /> it for a 12 month period, and would not be excessive but still addressing the issue <br /> and costs to the City. <br /> Mayor Klausing addressed the cost of providing the service, and unfair presump- <br /> tions that all businesses were wealthy and all residents were struggling. Mayor <br /> Klausing noted the number of small business owners who maybe were barely get- <br /> ting by and the impacts to their operations with higher fees. Mayor Klausing <br /> noted that using that rationale, the City Council may then need to consider income <br /> levels in establishing fines. Mayor Klausing expressed cautious support of an es- <br /> calating scale for fees; opining that three (3) false alarms for a homeowner may be <br /> easier to address than for a business with multiple managers and/or employee <br /> turnover. <br /> Councilmember Roe clarified that, given the inability of the Department's record <br /> keeping system in differentiating between residential or business calls, he was not <br /> suggesting fee differentials between them; but was supportive of more differen- <br />