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Section 3a: Election Timing. Elections will be held annually during the Annual Meeting, as <br />described in Article VI below. <br />Section 3b: Nominations. Thirty days prior to the elections the Executive Committee or designee <br />will seek nominations for seats opening that year. Voting members in good standing may <br />nominate themselves or others. Ten days prior to elections, the names and short biographies of <br />the candidates will be made available on the St. Paul E- Democracy website and published on the <br />St. Paul Issues Forum. This information will be republished on the St. Paul Issues Forum each <br />weekday until the election. <br />Section 3c: Voting. Voting members in good standing will cast their votes at the Annual <br />Meeting. Voting members may also cast their vote electronically starting five days prior to start <br />of the Annual Meeting; any votes not received at the time in- person votes are counted will not be <br />valid. Voting members in good standing may cast one vote for each available position from a list <br />of eligible candidates, voting no more than once for any candidate. Available positions will be <br />filled in order by those candidates who receive the highest number of votes. The Executive <br />Committee or designee will count the votes and publish the results. <br />Section 3d: Selection of the First Executive Committee. The first Executive Committee will be <br />formed in February 2006. Elections will be held for all five elected positions. The top three vote <br />recipients will serve a two year term. The next two vote recipients will serve a one year term. <br />Those individuals will appoint the remaining Executive Committee: two positions will serve a <br />two year term, and two positions will serve a one year term. For the first election, all voting will <br />be conducted online. For the purposes of the first election only, all forum subscribers will get a <br />chance to vote. For voting purposes, a list of forum subscribers will be recorded at least five days <br />and no more than two months before the voting begins. Forum subscribers must have at least five <br />calendar days in which to vote. The new Executive Committee will be formally announced at the <br />Chapter Launch event. In all other ways, the selection of the first Executive Committee is to <br />proceed according to the procedures outlined elsewhere in this Constitution and By -Laws. For <br />the purposes of clarity, this section (3d) of the Constitution will automatically sunset and be <br />deleted, in March of 2007, an action which requires no discussion at that time. <br />Section 4: Duties and Powers. In addition to the specific responsibilities assigned to the Executive <br />Officers in the by -laws, the Executive Committee will establish the general policies and programs of <br />St. Paul E- Democracy. The Executive Committee may hire and oversee staff to manage the day -to- <br />day affairs of St. Paul E- Democracy. <br />Section 5: Removal. Members of the Executive Committee may be removed for misfeasance or <br />nonfeasance. Upon a petition of 25% of the voting members in good standing or 5 or more members <br />of the Executive Committee, an election to recall one or more Executive Committee members will <br />be conducted. Members of the Executive Committee will be removed if 60% or more of the voting <br />membership participating in a recall election vote for removal. <br />Section 6: Mid -Term Vacancies. If a mid -term vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the <br />Committee may choose to fill the position according to the procedure appropriate to the position. <br />Section 6a: Vacancy in Elected Positions: If an elected position becomes vacant, the Executive <br />Committee will appoint a replacement to complete the term. If feasible, the Executive <br />Committee has the option of opening up the position for a mid -term replacement at the next <br />Annual Meeting. In this case, the vacancy would be announced at the same time as other <br />vacancies, and the person who receives the next largest number of votes after all full terms are <br />filled will be elected to fill the vacancy and complete the unexpired term. <br />Section 6b: Vacancy in Appointed Position: If an appointed position becomes vacant, the <br />Executive Committee will appoint a replacement to complete the term. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 12 <br />6 June 2006 <br />