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Section 7: Officers. The officers of the Executive Committee consist of Chair, Vice Chair, <br />Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers are selected by vote of the Executive Committee and serve one <br />year terms from the first day of March through the last day of February. <br />Section 8: Quorum of the Executive Committee. A quorum of five Executive Committee members <br />must be present and voting at a given meeting in order for the Executive Committee to conduct <br />business. Executive Committee member(s) may attend meetings by telephone or other technological <br />means so as to facilitate real -time participation and response from afar. <br />Article VI: Meetings <br />Section 1: Annual Meeting. The Executive Committee will convene an Annual Meeting of voting <br />members annually in February to elect members to or fill appointments on the Executive Committee, <br />and to conduct other business of the organization. <br />Section 2: Meeting Accessibility and Location. Annual and Executive Committee meetings are open <br />to the public. The Executive Committee may vote to close part or all of a particular meeting to <br />discuss personnel issues or pending litigation. The Annual Meeting will be held within the <br />geographic borders of the City of St. Paul. All meetings, except online meetings, will be held within <br />the geographic borders of St. Paul, unless there is a compelling organizational interest to hold it <br />elsewhere (for example, a joint meeting with another similar body from Minneapolis). <br />Section 3: Governance Rules and Procedure. All meetings of St. Paul E- Democracy will be <br />governed by a structure and set of procedures determined by the Executive Committee and made <br />clear to those attending. <br />Section 4: Regular Meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will hold a <br />regular meeting at least once every two months and hold special meetings as necessary. <br />Section 5: Annual and Executive Committee Meeting Schedules and Notice. The Executive <br />Committee will establish a schedule of in- person or online meetings for each year within one month <br />of the Annual Meeting. Members and the general public will be notified of the time, date, and <br />location of such a meeting at least five days in advance using an easily accessible, online calendar. If <br />the time, date, or location of any regular meeting changes, the membership will be informed by <br />email of the change as quickly as possible. Online meetings, unless exempted by Article VI, Section <br />2 (closed meetings) must be conducted in such a manner that the discussion and meeting actions are <br />made accessible to participants in real time. <br />Section 6: Online Meetings. <br />Section 6a: Synchronous Meetings. In a synchronous online meeting (participants present online <br />at the same time, e.g., a chat session), votes are taken during the meeting in real time, however at <br />least a majority of members of the committee or task force must acknowledge their participation <br />in the meeting to establish and maintain a quorum. <br />Section 6b: Asynchronous Meetings. In an asynchronous meeting (participants not present <br />online at the same time, e.g., web forum), voting must remain open for at least 24 hours after a <br />motion is made and seconded. For a quorum to be established and maintained, at least a majority <br />of members of the committee or task force must cast a vote for, against, or abstain on any action <br />item. <br />Article VII: Nondiscrimination Clause <br />Section 1: Nondiscrimination. No activity of St. Paul E- Democracy shall discriminate on account of <br />the race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public <br />assistance, disability, sexual orientation, familial status, age, political orientation, or partisan <br />affiliation of any person. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 13 <br />6 June 2006 <br />