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St. Paul E- Democracy By -Laws <br />Adopted on Feb 6, 2006 <br />Article I: Selection of Officers <br />Section 1: Officers. The officers of the organization consist of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and <br />Treasurer. <br />Section la: Chair. The Chair presides over the Executive Committee. Responsibilities include <br />but are not limited to the following duties: <br />a. With the Executive Committee and any staff, propose projects and associated budgets for <br />the upcoming year; <br />b. Promote the organization, its goals, and its projects to the greater St. Paul community; <br />c. Serve as liaison to E-, in cooperation with the Executive Committee; <br />d. Fulfill committee responsibilities as designated elsewhere in these By -Laws or the <br />Constitution. <br />Section lb: Vice Chair. The Vice -Chair presides of the Executive Committee in the absense of <br />the Chair. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following duties: <br />a. Serve as liaison to all standing committees (except Finance) and all ad hoc committees or <br />task forces; and <br />b. Coordinate membership and volunteer recruitment. <br />Section lc. Secretary. The Secretary serves as the primary organizer of information and <br />communications to the membership of St. Paul E- Democracy and the community at- large. <br />Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following duties: <br />a. Coordinate content and updates to the St. Paul E- Democracy website; <br />b. Communicate goals and projects for the coming year to the membership of the <br />organization; <br />c. Coordinate public relations efforts including press releases and other communications; <br />d. Ensure that notes are taken at Executive Committee meetings and disseminate them to the <br />membership via the website or other means; and <br />e. Fulfill committee responsibilities as designated elsewhere in these By -Laws or the <br />Constitution. <br />Section 1d: Treasurer. The Treasurer serves as primary fiscal officer for St. Paul E- Democracy. <br />Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following duties: <br />a. Maintain proper financial procedures in conjunction with E- and <br />conforming practices to all the legal requirements of a 501(c)(3) (nonprofit) affiliate <br />organization; <br />b. Maintain St. Paul E- Democracy bank accounts; <br />c. Report bank statements and transactions to the Executive Committee at each regular <br />meeting; <br />d. Make routine payments and transactions, including payroll and accounts payable; <br />e. Collect annual membership dues; <br />f. Maintain list of voting members for the purpose of establishing good standing; and <br />g. Fulfill subcommittee responsibilities as designated elsewhere in these By -Laws or the <br />Constitution. <br />Section 2: Eligibility. Any member of the Executive Committee is eligible to serve as an officer. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 15 <br />6 June 2006 <br />