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Section 3: Vacancies. Should an officer's position become vacant during the term of office, <br />members of the Executive Committee will nominate candidates and vote at the next meeting. That <br />subsequent appointment shall be valid for the remainder of the vacated term. <br />Article II: Committees <br />Section 1: Standing Committees. The following committees are established by St. Paul E- <br />Democracy, and the substantial purpose of each committee shall continue until such time as the by- <br />laws are amended to change the substance of the committees. <br />Section la: Finance Committee. This committee is responsible for fundraising and fiscal policies. <br />Members are appointed annually by the Executive Committee and the Treasurer serves as chair. <br />Section lb: St. Paul Issues Forum Advisory Committee. This committee serves as the advisory <br />group for the St. Paul Issues Forum and the Forum Manager, and rules on appeals to disciplinary <br />actions taken by the Forum Manager. Members are appointed annually by the Executive Committee <br />and the committee reports to the Executive Committee as required. <br />Section lc: Strategic Planning Committee. This committee proposes short- and long -term goals for <br />the organization. They report to the Executive Committee and prepare monitoring reports for <br />Executive Committee review several times a year. Members are appointed annually by the Executive <br />Committee. <br />Section 2: Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces. Ad Hoc Committees or Task Forces may be <br />appointed as needed by the Executive Committee. <br />Article III: Paid and Unpaid Staff <br />Section 1: Forum Manager. The Forum Manager of the St. Paul Issues Forum is a volunteer position <br />appointed by the Executive Committee. The Forum Manager serves at the discretion of the <br />Executive Committee. The Forum Manager enforces the rules of the St. Paul Issues Forum, <br />encourages participation, and stimulates discussion. The Forum Manager works closely with the <br />SPIF Advisory Committee and seeks their advice and support as necessary. <br />Section 2: Staff The Executive Committee may hire an Executive Director or other staff as <br />necessary. <br />Article IV: Conflicts of Interest <br />Section 1: Conflict of Interest. A conflict of interest on the part of a Director, Officer, or member of <br />an ad hoc or standing committee (henceforth called "committee member with respect to an issue <br />means the Director, Officer, or committee member has a material and direct personal or financial <br />interest on the issue that is not common to Members generally, and includes, but is not limited to, a <br />personal relationship with a person involved in the issue (e.g., relative, personal friend); a material <br />business relationship (contractual or professional) with a person involved in the issue; current <br />employment by the organization, association, or other such entity or person involved in the issue; or <br />a financial interest in the issue. <br />Section 2: Announcement. A Director, Officer, or committee member shall announce the existence <br />of a Conflict of Interest or possible Conflict of Interest on his or her part with respect to an issue <br />before the Executive Committee or any of its committees prior to the beginning of discussion of such <br />issue or as soon thereafter as the Director, Officer, or committee member determines that there may <br />be a Conflict of Interest. <br />Section 3: Determination. If a Director, Officer, or committee member is uncertain whether a <br />Conflict of Interest exists, he or she shall bring the matter to the attention of the Executive <br />Committee, who shall determine if a Conflict of Interest exists. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 16 <br />6 June 2006 <br />