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Section 4: Recusal. A Director, Officer, or committee member with a Conflict of Interest may not <br />vote on the issue, and the minutes of the meeting shall reflect the existence of a Conflict of Interest <br />and any vote of such Director, Officer, or committee member shall be recorded as an abstention. <br />Section 5: Violation. Violation of these provisions shall be grounds for immediate expulsion from <br />the organization, pending review by the Executive Committee. <br />Section 6: Political Activities. St. Paul E- Democracy shall not participate or intervene in any <br />political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office without offering an equal opportunity <br />to other candidates. Any member of St. Paul E- Democracy who engages in the above activities as a <br />representative of or in the name of St. Paul E- Democracy shall be subject to immediate expulsion <br />from the organization by the Executive Committee. <br />Article V: Amendments <br />Section 1: Procedure. These by -laws may be amended by a simple majority of a voting members <br />present at any regular or special meeting following proper notice of the meeting and proposed <br />amendments. <br />Section 2: Notice. Notice of proposed amendments to the By -Laws must be e- mailed to all voting <br />members at least 14 days prior to any regular or special meeting. Proposed changes to the By -Laws <br />must be posted on the St. Paul E- Democracy website no later than the date voting members are e- <br />mailed their notice. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 17 <br />6 June 2006 <br />