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2. Limits on Posting Participants must follow any posting frequency limits (often 2 per day per <br />person) when established in a forum charter. Participants must not post messages about topics that <br />are specifically not allowed in a forum's charter. <br />3. Keep Topics within Forum Purpose Requests by the Forum Manager to bring discussions within <br />the scope of the forum must be followed or warnings may be issued. Limit posts to topics within the <br />geographic area or issues related a forum's scope. <br />4. Be Civil No insults, name calling or inflamed speech. Personal one -on -one arguments, <br />disagreements or personality conflicts are not appropriate on the public discussion forum. The <br />Forum Manager shall provide guidance to participants on what is appropriate and what is not <br />allowed. Attempts at humor or sarcasm should be labeled etc. <br />5. No Attacks or Threats Personal attacks or public threats against the safety or security of <br />participants are not allowed. The Forum Manager may issue warnings or remove participants based <br />on their public posts to a forum legally owned by E- Democracy.Org. If you receive private <br />communication from another participant that causes you serious concern, you may communicate that <br />to the Forum Manager, but no action should be taken by the Forum Manager or E- to <br />intervene in private disputes among individuals. If you feel you have privately received an illegal <br />threat via e -mail you should contact the appropriate legal authorities. E- Democracy.Org and its <br />Chapters are not responsible for any private behavior. However, if it is determined that a pattern of <br />abusive behavior is having a chilling effect on other's participation in the public forum, the Forum <br />Manager may issue a warning and /or removal upon advising the local Chapter Steering Committee. <br />6. Private Stays Private Forwarding private messages to the online forum is not allowed without the <br />express permission of the original author. This includes private replies to public posts and other <br />private or personal communication including e -mail communication with public officials who may <br />or may not be forum members. Public officials and Forum Managers have equal participation rights <br />and responsibilities in our forums everyone is a citizen first. <br />7. Avoid False Rumors, You are Liable Rumors of a personal nature are not allowed. Your posts must <br />be accurate based on your full knowledge and never intentionally false. Unverified "grapevine" <br />information of a public nature must be within a forum's issue -based scope to be appropriate. If in <br />doubt about the appropriateness of a given topic, check privately with the Forum Manager before <br />posting. Otherwise, the Forum Manager might take disciplinary action if your post is deemed to be <br />off topic. Further, via the forum itself, you must correct your previous expressions of fact or <br />"known" information that you find later to be false or substantially incorrect. Exceptions include <br />your assertions already publicly corrected or clarified by others in forum discussions. Corrections <br />must be made within any daily posting limit or via the Forum Manager if urgent. You, and you alone <br />are liable for the content of your own messages. E- Democracy.Org is not responsible or liable for the <br />content posted to any technically unmoderated forum or moderated announcement service. <br />8. Right to Post and Reply E- Democracy.Org through its right of free assembly and expression have <br />further established equal rights among all registered forum members to participate. You may only <br />lose those E- Democracy.Org established rights based on your actions, particularly rule violations. <br />Only those who are registered forum members may post directly. Any person or organization that is <br />publicly mentioned in a forum post has a right to reply, unless that person has been suspended for <br />rule violations. In order to post a reply, the individual (or an individual representing the <br />organization) must become a registered member of the forum. <br />9. Items Not Allowed in Forums, Exceptions Commercial advertising, virus warnings from members, <br />and chain letters are prohibited from all forums. In e -mail based forums, posts must be plain text <br />with no file attachments. Comments or complaints about forum management or complaints about <br />member rule violations must not be posted to the main forum. Instead, direct such messages <br />privately to the Forum Manager. Discussion of these rules or forum management may be taken <br />public via our Participant Assembly in our Townhall: http: /e- /townhall <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 6 <br />6 June 2006 <br />