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10. Public event promotions and links to commercial, media, or non profit online content related to the <br />scope of the forum are appropriate. Participant "signatures" providing links to the work or projects of <br />an individual are acceptable, but the display of specific products for sale are not allowed. E- <br />Democracy.Org and its committees and chapters may acknowledge sponsors, donors, and their <br />fundraising events in messages or on the web site. <br />11. Public Content and Use By posting an original message, the message author agrees to allow E- <br />Democracy.Org to distribute the message via the Internet and to include it in a publicly accessible <br />online archive in perpetuity. While original message authors retain their personal copyright, they <br />grant others the right to publicly quote portions of their message in any medium. Further the full text <br />of messages may be forward via e -mail to others as long as the author's name and the forum's name <br />and web address is cited or linked. A discussion forum posting may only be removed from the public <br />archives under a court order or under a case -by -case decision made by a Chapter or the Board. <br />With copyrighted material like newspaper articles, you may post quotations from articles or web <br />sites with the source URL. "Fair use" of excerpts (not the full text) is encouraged well as the <br />distribution of extended text from government produced content. <br />Warnings and Suspension from E- Democracy.Org Forums <br />In our citizen -based forums, participants themselves keep the forums relevant and on track. There is no <br />government, political group, corporation, or single individual controlling our self governance system. <br />You may lose your right to participate based on your behavior in a forum. You may also regain your <br />rights. <br />We know from a decade of experience that volunteer -based forum facilitation and management is <br />essential. We make difficult decisions and rein in rule violators in order to protect the public mission of <br />our forums and E- Democracy.Org's nonprofit obligations. We encourage those with different ideas <br />about how online discussions should be structured and managed to start and announce such forums via <br />our networks. We are just one voluntary model. <br />If at any point you feel these rules as written or historically applied do not serve the stated mission or <br />goals of E- Democracy.Org, you have the right to petition the Board for specific changes. <br />Warnings <br />1. Manager Warnings Official warnings are sent to the infringing member when a Forum Manager <br />determines that a rule has been broken. The Forum Manager may at their discretion send informal <br />advisories to encourage rule compliance. They may also at their discretion issue and record official <br />warnings. The Forum Manager is not required to monitor every post. <br />2. Member Complaints Forum members may send informal complaints privately to the potentially <br />infringing participants to encourage citizen -to- citizen accountability. Any forum member may also <br />file an official complaint about a specific post directly with the Forum Manager. They may not post <br />their complaint publicly to the forum this fundamentally distracts a forum from its purpose. The <br />Forum Manager will respond to complaints in a uniform fashion and maintain records of all official <br />warnings given. <br />3. Warnings Active Official warnings last for one year. They must be recorded by the Forum <br />Manager and kept in case of an appeal. <br />4. Special Moderation A Forum Manager may moderate the posts of specific members upon <br />notification to that member for up to two months while dealing with rule compliance issues. This <br />may be renewed upon notification. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 7 <br />6 June 2006 <br />