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Managers as Citizens Forum Managers retain the right to participate in the forum under same rules <br />as other participants. They may express their opinions but may not allow their political views to <br />influence specific forum management decisions. Complaints about potential rule violations by <br />Forum Managers must be sent directly to the local E- Democracy Chapter or the E- Democracy.Org <br />Board. Note: If forum management responsibilities are split among a team, a member of that team <br />shall be designated to issue warnings and receive complaints on a regular or clearly identified <br />rotating basis. <br />Suspension <br />6. Suspension Process The warning process starts with probation and results in removal periods that <br />grow in length based on repeat offenses. Warnings are specific to each forum. Due to variations in <br />forum purposes and management styles, similar conduct may not result in the same sanction. The <br />initial warning process and suspension level is private in order to avoid public member <br />embarrassment a penalty greater than that deserved. <br />While under suspension, a member may not post nor ask others to forward their comments to the <br />forum. While they may read the postings from the web, they may not forward or comment on those <br />posts in other E- Democracy.Org forums on which they maintain full posting rights. <br />a. First Warning The first official warning is recorded. The member is not suspended. Each <br />warning expires after one full year. The member should consider themselves on probation. <br />b. Second Warning The second official warning results in immediate suspension from that <br />specific forum for two weeks. Another two week suspension may be granted should the initial <br />first warning expire before their third rule violation. <br />c. The first two warnings may not be appealed at this time. They may only be appealed on their <br />merits if a third warning is given within one year of the first warning. <br />d. Third Warning A third warning within a year of the first two warnings results in an immediate <br />suspension for six months from the specific forum. <br />Notification of the suspension of this member must be sent to the local E- Democracy Chapter <br />and the E- Democracy.Org Board. After any member appeals are heard, at that member's request, <br />the Forum Manager will post a basic notice to the public forum that that member has been <br />suspended for six months. The Forum Manager shall remind forum participants that public <br />discussion of suspensions violate the rules and shall offer a link to the appropriate web forum <br />that allows discussion of E- Democracy rules and administration: http: /e- <br />democracy. org /townhall <br />Upon returning, the member may receive a fourth warning if the first warning is still active or <br />within two months which ever is longer. Another third warning suspension will be granted after <br />two months assuming that only their first active warning has expired. <br />e. Fourth Warning A fourth official warning results in full removal from all E- Democracy.Org <br />forums for five years. After any appeals are processed, an announcement about the removal of <br />this member will be publicly posted to the forums to which that member belongs and sent to all <br />E- Democracy Chapters and the Board. The removed member has the option to provide an up to <br />300 word public statement that will be linked in the rules section of the E- Democracy web site. <br />This will be linked to an optional 300 word statement from the Forum Manager about the causes <br />for removal. <br />Roseville Issues Forum Project: Tim Erickson, 651 246 -5045 or tim e- democracy.org_ Page 8 <br />6 June 2006 <br />