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<br />westerly approximately 420 feet to the northwest corner <br />of Lot 1, Block 2, Zimmerman Office Park~ thence <br />northerly 60 feet to the southwest corner of Block 1, <br />Zimmerman Office Park~ thence north 60 degrees east <br />approximately 326 feet to a point lying 550 feet southerly <br />of the south line of State Trunk Highway 36 as it now <br />exists~ thence northerly and parallel with Pascal Avenue <br />550 feet to the aforesaid south line of Highway #36 as <br />it now exists~ thence westerly along the aforesaid south <br />right-of-way line a distance of 315 feet to the center- <br />line of Pascal Avenue~ thence continuing westerly and <br />southerly along the south right-of-way line of Trunk <br />Highway #36 as it now exists a distance of approximately <br />1,450 feet to the southwest corner of Lot F of Registered <br />Land Survey No. 86, which point is also on the easterly <br />line of Trunk Highway #51 as it now exists~ thence <br />southerly approximately 604 feet along the aforesaid <br />east line of Trunk Highway #51 to the centerline of <br />County Road "B", which point lies 217 feet easterly of <br />the southwest corner of Section 10, T 29, R 23; thence <br />westerly along the south line of aforesaid Section 10 a <br />distance of 30 feet: thence southerly and parallel with <br />and 187 feet distant from the west line of Section 15, <br />T 29, R 23, a distance of approximately one quarter <br />mile to the intersection with the centerline of <br />Skillman Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline <br />of Skillman Avenue 473.3 feet to a point directly <br />northerly of the extended west line of Kay-Reen <br />Addition~ thence southerly 656.2 feet along the west <br />line of Kay-Reen Addition as extended to the centerline <br />of Ryan Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline <br />of Ryan Avenue approximately 661.2 feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br /> <br />Dated: September 10, 1962 <br /> <br />BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br /> <br />Richard W. Turnlund <br />Village Clerk <br />